
Also too late for the party, but it was worth it to go to the comic shop on a Wednesday for once.

That goes back to the fact that Bendis doesn't own these characters and won't make any merchandising bucks off them. THAT'S why creators re-use and recycle existing characters.

Just got my cable fixed, but there's shit to watch; that's why it took me three days to notice my cable was out in the first place.

Hell, CREEP, for all you know he may be trying to find YOU.

And not alternating ! with "1".

Down the fucking hatch, I say.

AND, according to Fux News, Lady Liberty is really a dude.

In many countries, it's because they're kicking England's arse in it.

Just in time for TV desolation— my cable box is kaputski. Cuntcast won't send a man til Tuesday, so it's netflix and dvds for me.

OK yeah, I remember that series, actually enjoyed the Grant Morrison parts, but that particular character escaped me.

I missed that, along with most of new 52.

Mr. Tawky Tawney didn't exactly fight crime, but he did help out Captain (Shazam!) Marvel.

Swamp Thing after Rick Veitch?

Am I the only one who can rarely finish a Mystery Science Theater 3000? I'm sorry, but the joke wears thin over two hours.

And some don't even make it that far.

What were you expecting from a book on the Holocaust? More yuks?

I have to work today and Saturday, but I'm actually off for four days after that!

The real Supes, according to Rebirth, is missing somewhere.

I honestly didn't know there was a Statue of Liberty (?) in Gotham.

Just couldn't finish Black Swan. And yes, once I realized that Game of Thrones would be interminable, (and I stopped getting HBO) I quit that, too.