
My first thoughts too. Keep the pills and bourbon away, Patton!

O shit. Just heard about his wife. Goddamn what a sucky week.

Yes, want to see this. Hope this finally brings out the Ask A Comedian feature on Esquire.com where Patton answers MY sex problems.

TWO great comedians on the day I'm off. Squee. Still waiting for Patton Oswalt's answer to my sex problems on Esquire.com.


The Funk is dead, long live da Funk.

A lot of what Nathan likes in this movie can be attributed to the Ultimate version written more recently by Warren Ellis. Ellis took the sillier, dated aspects of the origin— cosmic rays, a villain named Doctor Doom— and made them make sense, with pseudo-scientific explanations that (seem to) hold up better than Stan

Ah, dammit dammit DAMN IT. I basically stopped giving a damn about WWE when she left the company. As a fan of Femuscle, I was drawn to her earlier look, the huge brooding amazon of DX. After leaving the company, she never got her fair recognition. I knew she was "troubled", reports of her alcohol problem were

Is it too late for a Comics Thread? Or was there an earlier one and I missed it? Anyway, I've found my new addiction— Warren Ellis' INJECTION. Seriously heavy sci-fi/magick shit.

All I know is my toilet tissue comes up bloody afterwards.

I can see it happening in Texas or Arizona, simply because those states are in the hands of lunatics.

I've been predicting that someone will be killed at a Trump rally, probably someone brown.

Don't tell people that— Summer is coming, and people sweat like horses. Now, if you were to say Americans wash their hair too much. . .

Naw, I don't think any of us actually saw it coming, just thought Amelie was flaking again until this happened.

Love it. Little emotionally iffy myself, but sane enough to like this.

Never could make it past the fourth planet.

The only good thing currently at my local museum is the planetarium.

I'll be drinking my whiskey and bourbon stockpiles.

It's the sunlight and the change from fucking February.

Basically handing over Syria to Russia isn't doing us any good.