
Not for anything, but you ever notice how the Kate & Harry's son George looks JUST like Louie Anderson?

Just judging from the last trailer I saw, I wanna see this.

Steve Ditko created a Tigerman back in the 80's for Charleton Comics. Didn't sell shit.

Mxlptlykx, or something like that.

Mxlptlykx, or something like that.

The fact that a Superman movie can't be rated G is proof of how messed-up Hollyweird is, right there.

Alex Ross did a Big, Treasury-Sized book about this, "A Day Without Hunger" or something like that.

This is why I want a REAL Captain Marvel movie. With the talking tiger and everything.

This is why I want a REAL Captain Marvel movie. With the talking tiger and everything.

Marston woulda had her in bondage gear.

It's been said before, by Chris Sims among others, that Supes' outfit is based on the old school carnival strong men. That what DC needs to go back to.


So why doesn't he make a Mr. A or The Question movie?

Take out Lois. That fucks him up every time.

I often wondered if he was a boy.

I think it all went wrong when Batman became a borderline sociopath. Various creators have gone back and forth on the "borderline" part, but Miller pushed him right on through. Remember, this is a universe where it makes perfect sense to put on a mask and fight crime because you're good at say, shooting arrows.

Wait, WHAT?! There's nothing on Google or Facebook about that!

Well, Bill Buckley is dead, that's a factor.

I'll be "that guy" and point out that many POPULAR shows are downloaded illegally, and it doesn't seem to hurt them. The key word may be POPULAR — Hannibal was beautiful, like a Dario Argento flick, but there's a reason Argento isn't pulling, say, Steven Spielberg's numbers. And I loved this show, but even I

Stuart Margolin still around?