
They are discounting Amazon Prime $20 for new members on the 18th...only.

I agree with a lot of this. I didn’t understand why they revisited the Reliant Robin 3-wheelers. It seemed like the whole show was edited to refute all the rumors that Matt and Chris didn’t get along….It was like a buddy flick. They don’t seem to have a natural relationship yet. Both were forcing things and Matt was

They would sue the parents because they are the owners of the car she was driving. Never let anyone borrow your car.

Can we please stop pretending that this whole issue was real. It was all just a show. The FBI didn’t care about getting into “that” iPhone, they only wanted a legal precedent set. A former FBI analyst was asked on NPR what he would have done if that phone came across his desk. He said he would take it down to the NSA.

10% is a reasonable fee for the entire design fee for most projects. The architect’s $80M is a small percentage of the overall fee compared to most projects. This project is heavier on the engineering side than an average project. It would have included many engineers and sub-consultants including civil engineers,

I remember seeing and posting pics of the second generation TT in Tampa before it came out. I also had a parade of Sciroccos go past my office in Tarpon Springs. For a little while we had a neighbor that was one of their test users. They always had different de-badged Audis. I never met them personally to get more