
This makes my bowels move.

No. You have Philistine tastes. I've been living in CA for 20+ years. In-N-Out Burger is just another forgettable fast food place. Just with more fanboys who don't get out much to eat real food.

Ugh. What a fool. I was last in one of these 6 months ago, and In-N-Out Burger is no better than any other crap fast food out there. Fanboys might whine "Oh, but it takes fast food up another level". It does not. It's no better than a Burger King. Sell this crap to the tourists.

And there you have it. Why the infographic makes us dumber and I've no longer learned to trust any of them. (I mean, check boxes for "flavour"?? WTF??)

Errr, using metal to emulate a paper filter: done before (gold filters, etc.)

Coffee isn't complex. It's not like computers. It's more like any other kind of cooking. Enuf said.

I'll need to keep the cup to capture all my vomit.

Two blog posts does not make an "application".

How do people put on their pants in the morning if they need help on how to wake up?

Salted coffee has been available at 85C in Taiwan for years. This is news?


Here's a radical idea: buy a Zojirushi and save yourself all this bullcrap.

Looks like a typical Wednesday night at Denny's in East Oakland.

Stop making Rolaids lattes and start drinking reasonable coffee.

Caffeine dependency is the greatest pantywaist addiction conspiracy white collar America has conceived in the past 20 years.

Let me get this straight. Lifehacker is telling us how they can do custom mod hacks to their lives by using a coffee grinder now.

Who needs any coffee when all that matters is the machine?

Yay. You win a gold star. Hope your fridge enjoys it.

Low-acid coffees have been on the market for years already. Really, the people who funded this research should be taken in the back and shot for misuse of funds.

I prefer to roast my own coffee instead with bamboo stalks and the heat of my fermenting feces.