Swagstallion's Lost Burner Key

Showed up for the Rocky Horror reference, was not disappointed.

In just 7 days I can make you a man!

True, though he was great in Slither - an underrated film!

I appreciate the character and I am a fan of Nathan Fillion, but I have to admit that I was getting tired of his jokes. They aren’t 1-note, but there isn’t a lot to the joke bag-of-tricks for the character.


Fans like this are scary. There is nothing off the table for them, it’s all good. They support torture and would probably do it themselves if they already haven’t.

This white woman did a lot of research to prove she is racist. respect

Nearly every episode of Star Trek is about how freedom is better than even the most benevolent control and yet we go right on thinking this is different somehow.

As opposed to paying for them to live in detention centers? Give me a break. There’s not a “fiscally responsible” angle to any of this. Its about xenophobia, full stop.

This is the problem with absolutes and zero tolerance. We don’t trust a single human being to just use their best judgement. Is it ok to hug a two year old? Of course. Is it ok to put your hand on an embarrassed thirteen year old girl’s shoulder and help her locate tampons? Yes. Is it ok to coerce a child into sexual

WHO. FUCKING CARES. Why is it more important for you to assign blame than to stop it? I don’t care if SANTA CLAUS started the policy, the atrocities have come to light now and it has to stop.

I wish I was surprised to still see this comment on every post about this game.

I came here via AV Club, I didn’t realize the possible racial angle to this until the end of the article, or that it was at The Root. As to that angle, it is preposterous for this awful alleged doctor to presume a black person would especially go out of their way to fake it, when all the evidence shows it’s

The lore of Splatoon is refreshingly dark. Everything about Splatoon in general is absolutely dark and I love it. It’s one of those things that are hidden gems in a list of video game stories. The fact that the Octo Expansion expands this really cleverly is just icing on the cake.

But...vaccines are the devil’s milk!

When I listen to NPR in the morning and they say the name of any high profile man, I automatically think: dead? or sexual harassment?

It’s a tenuous combination of things: If you are charged with a crime and detained in jail, your kids don’t go to jail with you. So, they’ve instituted a “zero tolerance” policy and are effectively charging every “illegal” immigrant with a crime and detaining them (even if they have pending asylum claims), so the kids

Once a company hires you for “diversity” you are fucked. The implication is already there that you are there not for your qualifications (which this lady has aplenty) but to make the company look good. Since you’re not an organic hire, you are never really plugged in as part of the family. Every move and suggestion
