Swagstallion's Lost Burner Key

And then they’re replaced by new old people who are also more likely to vote conservative.

i wish i still cared. heres what you can do when your friends abandon the game:

Why yes it is. You run around a jungle with giant man sized swords fighting helicopters. If you are lucky the super rare “Air Wolf” might even show up

Raise your hand if you were a 15 year old girl who was constantly pestered by older men. The fathers of the kids you babysat for pouring you a drink. Your friends’ fathers staring at your tits or walking in on you in the shower. Your male teachers dropping hints. Strangers pulling over as you walked home from school.

There is 0 controversy, its all made up BS from people that expect to be represented in a game based on history where while there may have been some blacks in the Bohemia very few and more in the major cities such as prague and not the little chuck the game takes place in. An the descripencys as to what moors where

I personally, can’t wait for the first completely safe movie to come out. Just a woman and her dog quietly reading a book for 3 hours. It’ll make millions.

Every piece of advice, every guide, every reddit thread and every conversation with long-time hunters I’ve ever gotten has said to fight monsters solo first so that you understand how they work. I’m so confused at where this attitude is coming from.

I mean, i get that guys might be jealous of a woman’s cleavage, but modern medicine has solved this problem. Pay up or shutup.

Religious people promote stuff like this because its in their best interest to keep people poor, dumb and shackled to their idiot kids and shit jobs.

My policy has always been that I am fine working late if I have to but if somebody wants to contact me outside of work hours and once I’ve gone home it has to be important enough to actually call or text me. So far that’s been good enough with every manager I’ve had (thought at least one was not a fan but push never

My mom has a habit of calling me at work and even though this has happened a million times my first thought is “who’s in the hospital?” but of course it’s always “Windows is telling me to restart should I restart let me read you every piece of text I see on the screen right now.”

The work thing is definitely overstepping a boundary. I tell my students to anticipate up to a 24 hour waiting period on emails during the workweek—and to not expect me to answer them on the weekends at all (I often do, but by establishing, “look, I need time off, too,” I help them understand that I’m not an

I was just talking about this with my wife a few days back, about how the evolution of communication technology has taken us from expecting to hear back from someone maybe that month, to that week, to that day, and with instant text communication we have inscribed all of our worst habits from the halcyon days of IRC

CONGRATS!!!! I will be paying off my grad degree until my last breath.

There are 9000000 people out there on dating apps, bars, coffee shops, etc all looking for love.

Right? That would wipe out over half of my student loan debt.

With Robert Redford?

My boyfriend once asked me “Would you cheat on me for a million dollars?”

“They hail from Finland, Sweden, Belgium, and South Korea”