I’m just presenting a counter argument, would not call it trolling. Good job increasing your credibility by being too lazy to form an opinion. Also, tilting at windmills?? Had to google that one. That may be the worst saying I have ever come across.
I’m just presenting a counter argument, would not call it trolling. Good job increasing your credibility by being too lazy to form an opinion. Also, tilting at windmills?? Had to google that one. That may be the worst saying I have ever come across.
Classic PC bro statement. Zero logic and just personally attacking the opposition.
What a stupid sport. Ridiculous. I’m serious.
Oh I must be! And you must be justifying inferior systems of sports where they don’t have a playoff system.
Wow. This is like the most exciting news ever!!!! Leicester City doesen’t even have to win a game to be league champions and two other teams tying causes you to win the champion league??? I mean you can’t make this stuff up!
Still don’t understand how they don’t have any type of playoff system. They just won a league championship while sitting at home.
20 bucks says somehow, before his career is over, Bradford will be on the Browns at some point.
Man, if only Dabo knew what it was like to use football to create opportunities for himself...If he had, oh i don’t know, played college ball then maybe he might actually have some experience from which to speak. Or if he had worked his way up through the coaching ranks maybe?