
the non-rookie qbs are on 2 and 3 yr contracts both with options to cut or trade them after yr 1, to call that permanent is to be an illiterate bufoon

To say Cox is on a crappy team is fair but to say he is a mediocre player is astonishingly ignorant. If you’re waiting for a market correction in a league with this much money and a rising cap, I don’t know where you’re expecting it to come from.

they dont call it chronic traumatic encephalopathy for nothing

his theoretical physics thesis on inelastic collisions culminated in a nationwide demonstration of its macroscopic analog, needless to say it was de-illuminating

Torbjorn is clearly not Scottish but some sort of Scandinavian name, Tom. It doesn’t take caffeine or twitchy fingers to recognize that

or out in a world with tv/internet?

well I agree you should worry about the player on the ice, but it takes two to tango, if his teammates were so concerned maybe wait until youre more than a few feet away to get revenge for your buddy

how can you hate on cheering fighting when it’s literally part of the game, can you seriously say that watching the fights is not fun?

that’s just like, your opinion, man

ask wayne gretzky or danny briere how passionate he was and how fans and players alike respected him. He brought 2 championships to a city that even then was starved for them. Hockey is a niche sport, sorry that you had to pay extra, but that doesn’t make Ed Snider an asshole. Dude is a top owner of all time

we’re just happy to be here tbh

cmon Drew, Drake could learn a lot from all the nut slapping goin on in a thai Bro-thel

here’s to hoping he did

dante suggested it had to do with hair so I rebutted. Also, he’s not of the same stature, but he’s at least as noteworthy as any of the other scrubs on that team. He’s had more notoriety and success. Linsanity was practically as hyped up as the week after odell made that catch

yea I hear OBJ gets a lot of shit from security too

the Falcons are expected to enter a bidding war with Jerry Jones and the Cowboys to sign these upstanding locker room leaders

“For the world’s best athletes, it’s gradually being able to outrun or outjump someone a couple years their junior. And it sucks.”

my faith in the justice system would be restored

“Trump openly disagrees with the following GOP establishment positions:

moreover, it’s FAR easier for a guy to have his dick and balls inside his shorts when he’s a kicker