
He didn’t need to, he’s right of course. It is dangerous for players and staff however fun it might be for the fans.

“An Arizona player is going to punch a fan, and they are going to punch the fan out of self-defense”

Cowboys will sign him

Was Blatt fired after he couldn’t take Lebron down in the feats of strength??

Chamberlaid... Challenge Accepted!

Yes but what does Hernandez think of Tom Brady’s other friend: Mr. Trump?

How about the Dray-Dub?

“Love him to Death”

they might have an investigation if there was an equipment assistant texting Peyton about tablets that they nicknamed “the tablet saboteur” because he was trying to takedown the corporate multivitamin industry.

Keep Pounding...

Nice to see her help Rex get back on her feet

Chris Stops Port Singles

“Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is.”

you gotta “deflate” yourself after the holidays somehow...

can we call it a 15-2 regular season?

Belichick could teach Aaron Hernandez a thing or two about the 5th amendment

Don’t know what you’re talking about, not a philly fan, just stating a fact. You don’t know what you’re talking about if you think that this team loses more than the average franchise. If you consider this stance to be ‘butthurt’ then maybe you need to do some soul(or butt)-searching of your own.

enjoy him when his brain farts in the playoff crunchtime harder than he is actually farting on the sidelines

you must not watch them play very often if you think they lose more than the average NFL team
