
Oh please. I’ve also been a reporter covering these press conferences and I don’t want to hear the BS and whining from fucking reporters. It’s an awesome job even if you’re not a big name columnist. And 9 times out of 10 these guys don’t say anything enlightening or new anyway.

Anything that interrupts the monotony of postgame press conferences is okay with me. “We did our best to just, you know, go out there and play the best game we could. We plan to keep doing that. We’re going to focus on our defense. And our offense.” You don’t say?

If he were in the political arena, I’d totally share your sentiment. However, it’s sports man/woman. We take that shit way too seriously in this country. If people cared this much about getting answers to things that matter from people with the actual power to change things in communities, states and the nation

You’re saying it like the guy is holding cotton inbetween his fingers and he’s speaking broken english during the performance while Brit has a white hood on

Fetty Wap’s “Trap Queen”

Yeah, I will never understand that. I mean, look at Shrayber. He responds nicely and reasonably to comments on his articles. (btw, I’m not meaning to omit others if they do the same. he’s just the first to come to mind) Why don’t more writers do the same? I get responding with brevity and snark when the commenter

I can’t believe that Jezebel published an article celebrating the kind of bullshit privileged white feminism that disregards the experience of anyone who isn’t white and/or of the bourgeoisie class, all with a cute little disclaimer near the bottom saying “Don’t try if you can’t look white and rich, tee hee” and that

you sound like you’re excellent at taking criticism

PS. You know you’re onto something when not one but THREE Jez writers come after you

Amen. I am soooo over people doing coke. I keep thinking I’m old enough to no longer be encountering them too, but I keep being wrong.

“I fought the law and the law let me off because I batted my eyelashes and flipped my hair and said, ‘Ohmigosh ohmigosh I am SOOO SORRY I forgot that weed was in there’ and then the officer winked at me and said ‘We all make mistakes, sweetheart’”

More trouble than it’s worth.

This article is lame. Like a sorority girl who fancies herself to be hunter s thompson.

Yeh, I was really not sure how to feel about this article. I’m going with “this sounds like some privileged shit” with “can you REALLY not wait that long to do drugs that you need to bring it with you?”

(this coming from someone who travels a lot and also enjoys doing drugs a lot)

Seriously. Fuck the thousands of people who are in jail, tortured, raped, or dead so that drug cartels can bring you magic nose powder! You’re so edgy and fun with your coke, gurl!!

Or just don’t fucking travel with drugs.

This is the second fucking Flygirl article I can think of about a white girl recommending how to smuggle/obtain drugs in a situation where you would be a fucking IDIOT to be in possession of them. But at least this one is like “lol btw this article is only for white girls sorryyyyyy byeeeee!!!!”, so that makes it ok,

Fucking amen. What the fuck is this shit.

Dear flygirl,

Nobody do this...because it’s ridiculous.