
This kind of "gawd you're so dumb" attitude is exactly what prevented me from understanding most social justice issues for a long time. I mean, I always felt that gay rights were important, benefit programs like WIC and SNAP etc were needed, racism was bad, women and men should be seen as equal etc but a lot of the

Team Iggy. Being Australian and rapping in an Australian accent wasn't going to get her anywhere. Now she's not only famous and getting paid, she's getting nominated for Grammys. I'll start talking in any accent you want if it would get me there.

maybe this is me being oblivious to another story involving this guy, but why is this article so negative sounding? I thought it was pretty clear that by 'cloudy' he was referring to how often people think feminists hate men and only promote the rights of women. We all know people who ignorantly cling on to that idea.

I agree with you. If we take positions of power into consideration when a sex act happens. Then we have to conclude that Bill Clinton is a rapist for what he did to Monica. And as a rapist he should have been impeached. And I don't want to live in a world where Newt Gingrich was right about Bill deserving to be kicked

Oh okay. So it's legally considered rape, but I don't really care about how the law defines things — would you actually call it rape? Was it against her will?

I thought the "elaborate for us" thing was a bit obtuse. Pretty clear he meant the rampant misrepresentation of feminism in mass media, perpetrated by its enemies.

I am all for diversity on television and film. I just wish it were more... diverse. Usually diverse means "black people" but what about Latinos and Asians. I'm really excited for Empire's success but there are other races who don't see themselves reflected on tv. And it needs to be meaningful representation, not just

I don't see why the sarcastic "tell us why the term's reputation is cloudy" was tagged on. My impression of his comments was that he meant the word "feminism" was too frequently misused by jerkwad MRAs.

Exactly. There was no need to snark on his entirely positive post — he admitted to not understanding feminism and said now that he does, he's a feminist. How is that not a good thing?

Are we really giving an ally a hard time for not understanding the literal definition of feminism and using societal cues from those around him to inform his idea of what it means? Yes, that was a mistake, but he rectified it, and is doing his best to try and be a good ally now.

Everyone take a moment and savor Leto's transformation with me, Jezzies. I was recently dumped by a stupidly hot man-child who styled himself largely after Mr. Leto (devastating in the pants department) and who more or less held Leto as the only man-crush in his life. He more or less modeled his life, look and music

I don't think McGorry has any explaining to do. Are we snarking on his comment?


Who's taking care of Jenelle's babies? Only the baddest bitch in North Carolina.


This just made me laugh so inappropriately at work.

Then truly this story is a boon to us all.

The article says she was sick and unable to shovel at the time.

I can't see any reason that they would. It's just cute and old fashioned in all the right ways.

Coffee and a scone INDEED!