
Hell, I always thought the whole Igloo Australia thing was kind of obnoxious anyway. And I can't stand Iggy, but it just seems kind of iffy to mock someone for their country of origin, even if it's a white one.

I read an article on The Root, by a gay black man, talking about her problematic relationship with this word, and he got in the best dig.

I'm so sick of this whiney, unintelligent Azalea Banks flapping her gabber. The best things she's ever done are to coin "Igloo Australia" and rap 212. The rest of what she's known for is stirring up trouble and being rude.

She cried a while ago explaining that she's sick of white musicians like Iggy coming in and

Look at you, all high and mighty, not beating women and not throwing stuff through plate glass windows. La-di-da, aren't we fancy!

"Brown responded, "You sound really perfect brother... How can I get those VIP tickets to the pearly gates bro... Seems like you have it down.""

Yeah, pretending Banks is good because she hate Iggy is like pretending Stalin was good because he hated Hitler. Obviously the scale is different, but the idea is the same.

Can this serve as final notice that Azealia Banks is not a decent person in any sense of the word? I don't care if she is on point when it comes to talking about racism (and I say this as a POC). I don't care if she's on the right side of the anti-Iggy debate. She is homophobic (and anti-Semitic, let's add that too)

Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.

Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?

As an Actual Real-Life Black Guy — yes, it's a weird thing for her to say. But f*ck it, she can get away with it. I've f*cking LOVED Joni Mitchell since forever. She's not only awesome, amazing, and badass as a personality, but she's a strangely disregarded musical TITAN. Her ear for peculiar melody, her talent for

Joni is a genius and a legend. She is also more than a little nuts and a lot narcissistic, so the stuff about identifying with black men is your basic crazy talk.

Beyonce and Taylor Swift could run fucking museums with the amount of dedication they have towards curating their goddamn lives for public consumption.

Not the corset, the leotard. If I see her in one more I might throw in my fan card. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE LEOTARD, BEY.

Also, pants. Wear them. Sometimes.

Maybe Beck won because he doesn't need the help of five songwriters and two back-up vocalists to make a good album.

I love Beyonce, but she is so painstakingly crafted. Get real, Bey.

I don't like gospel music at all. I didn't grow up in a black church; it literally does nothing for me. I'd much rather have Ledisi perform that song over Beyonce because I want to hear "Partition" or "Blow."

Bey is a lot of things, but she's not a gospel singer. Ledisi would have brought the house down with this!!

My opinion on this comes purely from my place as a consumer of entertainment who loves Beyonce: I was wanting a Beyonce performance, like dancing and singing one of her hits, because that is where she truly shines IMO. She sounded good and the performance was moving, but if that's all she was going to do, I would have

Totally. Kanye just looks like an idiot who knows nothing about music by acting like Beck is some kind of hack. Beck was making studio albums when Kanye was still going through puberty. Respect the artistry indeed, Kanye.