
did you miss the following sentence where she finds a pebble stuck in her kid sisters' vagina

I think she meant more that even privileged doesn't inoculate women from discrimination, not that the things that happen to privileged women are more important.

"not using condoms is helping perpetuate the idea that they are some awful turn off"

It's a little more complicated than what your everyday dude likes when watching porn. Most performers are against them for safety, health, and choice reasons - especially female performers. Filming scenes can take hours, and condoms increase friction, micro tears, and pain in the vagina and anus. This means female

taylor swift is literally the most perfect human, mind body and soul.

Daniel Craig is the first person I think of when I hear the term "ugly hot"

I've always felt this way about Daniel Craig, who I find impossibly hot. But his face isn't exactly handsome — it's kind of brutal looking. And his ears are kind of oddly low. He always looks like a boxer who just got the shit kicked out of him (in a spotless tuxedo). But that makes him more hot? Also, his abs. And

Gonna say this here because it's a safe space (sometimes, are you there MRA trolls???) but I am sick and fucking tired of the forced, unconditional troop worship. Yes, I am grateful for the service men and women, yes I believe many of them are heroes and wonderful people, and yes, I believe that, GENERALLY SPEAKING,

I agree with this. The article says that it's especially important for Black children to be taught pride in their heritage...I actually think it might be more important for White children. Because White children are the ones who grow up thinking that everyone else is "ethnic" and they are just "normal".

Name me a celebrity more annoying than Lea Michele

People do know Seth Rogen is Canadian, right? So the "Chris Kyle fought your freedom!" folks can just fuck the right off.

wow, I had to read the comments to understand the mugs were a play on fiancé. I need coffee.

I'm with you! Loved this season, HATED Coven. I started wondering when everyone was hating on this season if there was something wrong with me. I remember hating Coven and coming on Jezebel where everyone loved it.

The worst part is her parents will never know. She obliviated them.

Aren't you supposed to swap for your nearest side street if your actual street was a number? If not, then it's "Coco Fifth." Which is just as bad/good.

Absolutely! The women who say hubby are the type who went to some "ring by spring" college to obtain their MRS degree and spend their days at home working on their part time photography business, start up their mommy blogs, and mint chevron the everloving shit out of their mason jar collections.

Haha I have four kids and I encourage everyone I meet to never have any. They're terrible.

As a mother that suffered with post-partum depression and had several nervous breakdowns while being a stay-at-home parent to my two children, blogs like this make me feel guilty and ashamed. I have to remind myself that it's not a purely wonderful experience for many of us, and that's normal, too.

Good gravy.

canada owned it