North Freeway and Gulf Freeway both refer to I-45.
North Freeway and Gulf Freeway both refer to I-45.
The only person asking that question should be the toddler’s parent(s).
Hardly. It’s quite easy to look up the nutrition facts. Some of the information is even listed in the article.
My fingers are crossed that we get Mousterpiece Theater.
No Tailspin... hmm. I hope they add it eventually.
Who is Ed Brimley?
They still have them in Houston.
...but it is “JIF”
I’d speculate that this employee is(was) getting paid exactly what they are(were) worth.
How do you know someone is a pilot?
A “New phone, who ‘dis?” from JITB would have been gold.
Right, but that isn't what happened here.
It’s unauthorized use, not grand theft auto. Technically.
Was it like this one?
What does a super rich Emirati have to do with the people of Yemen?
Does Janet know?
Rude is most likely referring to federal law, which can supercede state law if they really wanted it to, I believe.
Engine RPM is modulated by the throttle. Sit parked, in neutral, and press the gas pedal. Watch what happens to those RPMs..
Damn, I fell asleep before the 1:00 mark. I wish this Colin Moulding song just... wasn’t.