
Swallow it. Crisis averted.

I really need that sukajan in my life.

Yeah, they definitely just hacked this together after the beta went live last week. I hear that Destiny 3 is almost finished too.

It isn’t even in a submenu. There’s a ChatHead slider in the initial settings menu. Super easy.

I doubt it, considering ‘roid rage’ isn’t a real thing.

That perk is free to any flyer on any airline. All you have to do is whatever the fuck the airline employees tell you to do.

We all reserve the right to be an idiot. I can see you’ve chosen to exercise yours. Thank you for your time.

Is usage of punctuation considered a virtue? Proper or improper, mind you... At least then we might have an idea what the hell someone is attempting to convey. Your paragraph was difficult AF to decipher and was borderline incomprehensible. I suppose if you don’t have time for commas and a few more periods that

What’s wrong with MSG?

Whew!... I was worried it might be millions.

Are you seriously trying to bring race into this? Are there any indicators here that the guy was chosen because he was Asian? Otherwise what does Rosa Parks have to do with any of this? She stood up for herself because she, and people like her, were systematically mistreated for no reason other than the color of their

United didn’t bloody the guy and drag him off of the plane, police (of some sort) did. Yes, United called the police, but only after the passenger wouldn’t get off of their plane, which is private property, when asked and then probably ordered. Could it have been handled differently? Yes, by all three parties. United

I witnessed this as well all over Japan last year. It was particularly incredible watching people cross the street in Shibuya. Half of them had their faces in their phones and people were crossing from 6 directions and I couldn’t detect a single collision.

Let us know how that works out.

8 months ago and about 14 months ago. When I’m the one that makes the mistake I do my best to ‘kill them with kindness’. Like you said, it gets you a long way.

If flying was a ‘human right’ then you wouldn’t have to pay for a ticket.

My experience in the past (I’ve missed two flights before) is that I was booked on the next flight with an available seat. I did not pay any fees and these were not refundable tickets. Granted I had to wait for an available flight with an open seat, but had the airline (United) not oversold the flights they would have

Except they reimburse beyond the original cost of the ticket, so there is no fraud involved.

Something similar to this is sold in Sprout’s supermarkets in bulk. Quite literally, in a barrel with a scoop. Maybe it’ll hit that spot for you... Provided you can find a Sprout’s. They’re all over the place in Houston now.

When did Japanese become a race?