
No problem, good luck to you!

I’m not sure what site you’re referring to, but it doesn’t sound like the keto diet to me. For men, keep the carbs under 40 -50 per day... Women can go a tad higher if they need to. Otherwise, you want fat to be 60% - 70% of your calories and the rest protein. How you get that protein is up to you. Meat, cheese,

Was waiting for this comment. Fat is not bad for you.

We’re like the same person, me and you...

Bennigan’s. The Wheelhouse Burger. I miss it.

The title needs to be changed to “Low-Carb Onion Rings”. One large onion has about 11g net carbs.

There isn’t any meat IN the taco? Not impressed.

Relax. The game is poorly coded and not optimized. There is nothing wrong with the PS4. When a title takes 10+ years to hit your console it isn’t because they’re trying to make the best game. It’s because there is something fundamentally flawed in their approach.

I, too, had a blast. My wife was a good sport too. I took her to the Hello Kitty Cafe inside. Turn and turn about!

I got to see it earlier this year and, at the risk of sound like a total geek, it was pretty awe inspiring. Incredible craftsmanship. Sad to hear it won’t be around much longer.

So Trump is a bully, but the media (both Left and Right) is, what, doing us a service by cherry-picking facts and injecting personal bias into most everything they report? Don’t get me twisted, I didn’t vote for this jackhole but in my book this the pot calling the kettle black.

I really don’t find this to be very funny at all, and the joke was in terrible taste. My great grandfather died in a German internment camp. The railings at the top of the guard towers were horribly engineered.

What did Manwich say about ‘the poor’? All I read was ‘strapped for cash’ due to poor life decisions.

Other than snark, what does this site peddle?

LOL, I had to give SOMEONE a hard time today.

IF and Keto are the greatest things that ever happened to me healthwise. -70 lbs of fat, +20 pounds of muscle, blood pressure down, cholesterol down, no longer prediabetic. All in 12 months. 30 more pounds to go.

Sums up?

Have you tried an extremely low-carb diet? My reflux\indigestion is now non existent since I cut carbs. Might be worth looking into.

Good on you! I’ve lost about 70 lbs of body fat so far but have packed on some muscle so I’m just over 50lbs down right now. I went a different route (keto for a few months followed by a month of conscious calorie counting while eating things I like, followed by more keto, etc.). Life is better everyday.