Box of Cotton Swabs

Remember kids: Hate watching is still watching.  Don’t do it.

Ooh, edgy.

I dunno, I think if we re-elect him he will finally stop tweeting, listen to the adults in the room and truly become president.

I think we are official hitting the point where the movie Idiocracy actually is about a smarter future then what we got  

If Twitter really gave a shit about “the public interest” they would have banned him years ago.

I don’t know about anyone else here, but I’m really excited for adsfsdf myself.

The RNC has no actual agenda beyond dragging America down into the swamp.

You do realize that there is a middle ground between Medicare for All and Trump, right? That if Trump stays president the chances of Medicare for All ever happening are going to go way down rather than up? That we have a better chance of creating the country we want to see with Biden and Harris in place than we do

The OA was cancelled sorry. 

It’s just a jump to the left

Will this be on the test?

Yeah, the way the comedic actor, Michael Keaton ruined Batman, and how pretty boy Heath Ledger ruined the Joker.

Wiig is more than just a comedienne.

Sorry. Black Southern Democrats decided to saddle us with Joe Biden - you can get him over the finish line. Once SC goes for the Democrats, I’ll shut up.

i think i missed the middle 83 installments 

♩ ♬ Flash....a-aaaaa!

Does Cheetah have a butthole?

For the love of God... PLEASE VOTE! I am honestly afraid that if we do not all vote this year, we will not be allowed to vote four years from now.

That’s when they offer family discounts. If both Mom and Dad get tats, kids under twelve are inked for free!

Not sure if this is a well crafted joke, or just the reality of 2020...

The Trump Plan: