
I like that your sister has the blanket statement but also that you include that students speak with her 1-1. I took a photography class in college and one of the first-year students had a horrible project in which she had her friends parody disordered eating and cutting, which are triggers for me. I went to the

This is the best use of an emoticon ever. EVER.

This argument is like saying, "I gave you herpes but the outbreak was on your own watch, so no backsies."

I fail to see why everyone is so down on this. It says in the report you can customize the message, and even the example message given above has a "call me?" suggestion, allowing emergency contacts to check in rather than an "Oh My GOD! I'm MURDERED!" message. And you'd probably only use it when a particular trip

Certainly having enough awareness to question what you wear is a start. Mostly knowing what is sacred, traditional, and ceremonial versus what is simply fashion in another culture is a great start. I don't know who in the world thinks war bonnets are "fashion" for native peoples, but hey... obviously there are those

I was coming on here to say how metal the cat is for the biting (like, Nordic metal with the cannibalism and such), but touche...

In super old-thyme grenadine it was pomegranate although that's not what nearly anyone finds anymore. The swill you get at 99% of bars now is just high fructose corn syrup, some citric acid and red... so it's supposed to taste like red now, I guess.

My dad thinks the US government is a "puppet government" of the Mexican government. I win.

I reckon her argument is that she is utilizing facilities that were not designed with her in mind and that is at the inconvenience of the persons for whom the facilities were designed and over whom she has privilege due to being able-bodied; asking for "expensive architectural change" is asking for facilities to be

The women interviewed in this piece are part of the culture and even though they are taking part in the tradition, they feel limited, restricted, and offended by it. To call something "their culture" and shrug it off as something that "we" just have to leave alone and wait for it to change on its own is irresponsible

It seems as though the censorship is along the insane lines of thinking that the subject of rape is "inappropriate" for young readers. So, something that high schoolers are actually experiencing, and obviously in some cases perpetrating, is a subject that they're too "young" for. Someone needs to grow up and that

The fuck are all you dissenters talking about? This was one of the most pivotal and amazing scenes of female empowerment in a serial. I was crying when the young private called on the phone to connect with Claire. Whether she had peripheral motives doesn't matter - her experience was real; her strength is real; that

Yes, mine have sprung a leak as well. He's very sweet and my faith in humanity is presently restored. Double win.

Agreed. I thought the hardest thing to buy in this whole stack was that she does anything "secretly."

Right?! I mean, Glen had that whole panzer-in-the-square introduction and just got sexier from there.

Thanks for erasing every single thought in my head with that single image. I tell myself he has no power over me, but it just doesn't work like in the movies.

It's the tail-wagging that does me in. How do they stay away from him long enough to let him run around at all?

Winter's Bone was pretty good. I'd venture to call it "great."

I'm sorry this happened to you and am saddened that it is STILL HAPPENING to you. It used to be said that "children are cruel" as if it were a phase, something we all experience and then grow out of as we learn to be civilized, compassionate beings. But it seems that the freedoms and anonymity (for some) of the