Laveranues Talbot

But Hillary and Bill can threaten people with their office? Filegate? Paula Jones, who had state troopers showing up at her state office location for years afterwards just to let her know that Bill was watching and knew exactly where she was...Trump IS a fascist, but this election really is the final straw of

In the 80's, it was a place that if you weren’t a street criminal, and you lived in the city, you walked very briskly and kept your eyes open. If you were a tourist and you acted like one, somebody was going to take advantage of you. The only question was how badly. Fondest memory of Dinkins New York: A guy hanging

Well played...But the Donald will read this and decide you are a disgrace. A very big disgrace. And you oughta apologize.

Times Square? the 80's it was “The Night of the Living Dead”, now you sound as crazy as Rudy...

After I canned Billy’s ass, I would can her. She is like J. Edgar Hoover, probably with a file and photos on every broadcast exec in the world, even Russia. Only way she is still in televisionland...

Hey, thanks for explaining the branches of government to us, how well is that working when a dirtbag like Bill Clinton can access the airplane of the sitting AG and threaten her (she knew what her future would be after a Hillary indictment, no future) and she is crapping in her pants. Lotta stones in this Obama

“Hamilton wasn’t a racist”. More current events babbling straight from a publicist for some crappy Broadway hackery. Glad that you can time teleport yourself to Hamilton’s living room to give us your first hand assessment. Jackass.

But her BS about “I’ve been preparing all my life...” is just brilliant Churchillian wit. Pathetic, I could find a more qualified candidate in the Lucchese crime family.

Oh, really, so a President could never get his Department of Justice to appoint a special prosecutor? This is the problem with the nonsense that is spouted at all levels of media and “education”. Google Archibald Cox and get back to me... 

A lot of these “racist assholes” built the country that you live in by risking their lives in the face of certain death by the noose if they didn’t prevail by fighting tooth and nail on many occasions. I’m glad that when it came time to storm Omaha Beach it wasn’t up to the likes of you, the toughest thing you’ve ever

Thank god somebody in this country still has the common sense to debunk the BS that Hillary and her enablers just spew ad infintum, If the FBI didn’t do its job, then a special prosecutor should do its constitutional job and put Hillary Clinton in prison for peddling influence to the likes of uranium sales man to

They actually do play the National Anthem at the Derby but like all tracks it happens as the card for the day begins, way before the Derby itself. The Derby has its own song: My Old Kentucky Home, Preakness: Maryland, My Maryland and The Belmont: New York, New York.

Scott Walker only passes laws that benefit Scott Walker personally. If you don’t understand that than any further discussion with you is pointless. Scott Walker did not end collective bargaining in Wisconsin, he only ended it for unions that opposed him and would not contribute to him and his career/campaigns. The

Why should sports, baseball stadiums etc. be any different than the criminal oligarchy that rules over this great land? A half dozen jet fighters will generate the same kind of fraud, waste and corruption as this nickel and dime deal by comparison. And every political hack and media dirtbag will ignore the fraud and