
"whichever flashback-prone white dude’s overbearing savior complex works for you."

It's not valid. Or troubling. It's absurd. Bradley Cooper, one of the biggest movie stars in the world, portrayed an animated raccoon in the same GotG you reference. You can't get more obfuscated than that. Find something else to complain about.

Anyone else notice Jillian's scenes were shot separate from everyone else's? It seemed fairly obvious she wasn't filming at the same time as the three guys. Never in frame together.

Yes. Reviews of tonight's episode have taken longer than usual to appear on a variety of sites. Probably just a coincidence, and not related at all to the fact that the commentariat was a target of the show's scorn.

"Without such details, it’s hard for this scene to transcend the gaze it consciously engages in, making it a failed critique if it was intended as one."

"Rape can’t just be used as part of a theme . . ."