
Columbia didn’t find, “conclusively,” that he didn’t do it. They found that there was no evidence, as there often isn’t evidence, in rape cases, since the victim’s testimony doesn’t count.

According to Jia’s piece in The Newyorker Emma Sulkowicz identifies as non-binary and prefers the pronoun “they” ...

This isn’t quite what she’s saying, but creatively speaking, near-disastrous tanking has been really good for my work. Not because I can then “relate,” or whatever she’s going on about, to the plebs, but because hanging on to old ideas or methodologies was creating increasingly stale work but I was too chickenshit to

It’s a troll

That’s exactly what it is. If they can minimize it enough then they are not only off the hook, they don’t have to examine their own behavior, they don’t have to think about what they do and be analytical at all, heck...they don’t even have to FEEL BAD.

Who would have thought that a guy who is definitely not black, that likes to throw the n-word around, is a complete fucking psychopath who would defend rape? Seriously though. Tarantino can go to hell.

Gotcha. It appears to be a bit of a bully tactic.

He’s not a Spaniard, he is Mexican. He is from Mexico, and is proud of being a Mexican film director. My family, as well as most of the general population has Spaniard blood thanks to the war, destruction, and general genocide committed against the indigenous people by the Spanish. Does colorism exist? Yes. Is it

This is indeed some strange shit, when Stern is taking the unequivocal moral high ground.

Errr, I am European, and I am aways a bit confused about what some people think are European morals. Europe is a continent and every country is different, but I can assure that in Europe, rape is not part of our morals. A motherfucker is a motherfucker, here and there.

Yeah, just listen further in the interview to be even more thoroughly disgusted. Tarantino’s defense, when asked why he sides with Polanski’s version of events instead of the court testimony of the victim, and why it is not rape, though it is against the law:

When people get this defensive over something not related to them I start to wonder if they’re actually related somehow after all, like did QT rape a minor that in his mind was consensual relationship because he decided she wanted it?

Not only did she explicitly say she didn’t want it in her deposition testimony, not only was she drugged, but having sex with a 13 year old is also a crime in France, where Polanski fled, and in Poland, where he was born, (and it was for both of them in the 70s too.)

Small local communities with small shops, isolated populations, tesco bloody express being the only shop, various things can hike the price

I’m not trying to attack, just want to put in my 0.02, but I’m a person who menstruates and I’m not a woman, so I’m very grateful that the author used gender neutral language. It’s very rare to see gender neutral descriptions of things like these, especially in popular media, and it feels very affirming to actually

Because trans men and gender nonconforming who have a uterus also menstruate.

Because some people who menstruate don’t identify as women. Transmen for example.

Friendly reminder that homeless shelters/food banks are almost ALWAYS critically short of women’s hygiene products, as well as underwear and bras. If you are able to, please consider donating some to organization in your area that work with homeless or at-risk women.

Can I ask if you live here? (Asking kindly, not aggressively.)

I actually think I’m going to ask my shrink about that tomorrow. It was a thought that popped into my head last night.