
Just an FYI, if you dig hard through the Latuda website or the manufacturer’s web site (SUNOVION) and you’re low enough income, you can get Latuda for free. I know because I did get it for free. And the income limits weren’t ridiculous, I think you could make around $30-35k and still qualify. The only reason I stopped

Regarding the Twilight Zone tragedy, we should note that two children were also killed in the accident, not just Morrow.

I did a plumbing thing! It’s not done because I have a minor drop,but I’ll finish it tomorrow I hope. I’ve already paid to have this pipe fixed twice because it tends to freeze and I wanted to learn to do it myself.

Thank god, the definitive opinion on Uma Therman’s acting ability has arrived. We can all ignore the fact that she just came forward about her multiple experiences with sexual assault, which absolutely isn’t the point of this article.

Well, I guess this would count as an achievement. A few weeks back I was injured and it looked as if I may have to give up living independently(because of lifelong disibility + new injury). Long story short, it looks as if I get to stay independent for now. I will be starting physical therepy soon, I applied for In

It was also his hands around Diane Kruger’s neck in “Inglorious Basterds” because he didn’t trust the actor to “do it right”.

You and me both, friend. I’ve had four years of recovery, but after the shitshow that was 2017 (job loss and insurance loss with it, changing doctors, a sexual assault, and a couple MAJOR career setbacks), I’ve felt increasingly unstable. I had a really significant and stressful life event happen in early January,

I stopped fearing and avoiding and opened my mail. Sounds ridiculous but avoiding the things the mail brings (usually bills and problems or something guilt-inducing) has been a feature of a long and difficult period of life that I’m *hoping* is lifting.

No Jalopnik here would put their mother in a sketchy and broken Karmann Ghia. Why put the precious in that unless it was to get back at her. Where were all the checks? Stunt and safety. Criminal in several ways. Not going to release footage? Where are lawyers for the weak! We need a bunch of equalizers. How many

interesting that he asks her husband for forgiveness. Did he ask Thurman or maybe I missed that part?

I don’t suppose you read the article. This is the last paragraph:

That’s interesting. She also said in the article that he was the one to spit in her face and pull her by the neck in a chain in the Kill Bill movie, although it looks like different actors do it in the movie. And yet, she had to drive the car. The guy’s a sadist.

As an ICU nurse seeing the edited video clip with her accident, someone coming up and standing there talking to her then *jump cut* to seeing people finally trying to help her after (how long?) the car crash was disturbing to watch. The interview recalls her now ex-husband Ethan Hawke flying in to be with Thurman and

Obviously no audio so I can’t know if she asked for it, but I love how they’re shoving that bottled water into her hands as if some sips of water are going to make her all better from a car crash like that. “You just need to hydrate and.. uh.. walk it off!”

Sketchy road?

I own a Karmann Ghia. Have for over 30 years. I’ve also wrecked it a few times. What they asked her to do was unconscionable. Also, why the hell couldn’t they find a wiper blade for the driver’s side that fits?

I’m not sure. Why do you have so many Chuck E. Cheese tokens? Were they part of your severance package?

Seek professional help.


Off the top of my head, her children and her sister probably care a lot.