This neither stuffs the pockets of the rich nor hastens the deaths of the poor, so I’m actually kinda shocked it got through the House.
This neither stuffs the pockets of the rich nor hastens the deaths of the poor, so I’m actually kinda shocked it got through the House.
I would say Trump has no real interest in paying anyone, for anything, except maybe keeping their mouth shut about the affair they definitely had.
How about just in general:
“I think that that’s degrading for a man to call a female by the b-word, working together.”
I’ll try to be kind because it’s clear you understand nothing about serious drug addiction like this woman has... and you definitely don’t know anything about the state of foster care in this country. You believe it’s appropriate to drop that child into the the state’s custody and then most likely the foster system…
Like, we’re supposed to *cheer* a cop who took a homeless, drug addicted woman’s baby? Good god.
Seconded on the piece of shit thing - I’m wondering to what ends the little one will grow up with her adoptive parents regularly telling her how much her biological mother didn’t care about her. That’ll be GREAT for mental health. But then...being raised in a family that seemingly supports Trump enough to trot…
I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,…
I was uncomfortable with the way this segment of the speech was presented, and you have articulated it well. For a moment I thought the child’s mother was going to be shown in the gallery as an example of recovery, but instead we are shown some weird support for class warfare. It hurts.
Hey, what’s Adlai Stevenson up to these days?
Absolutely, the more I think about this anecdote, the more it absolutely fucking INFURIATES me. This was a man in a position of power wielding it to basically steal a child through the threat of executing that power. The man should be thrown off the force, not lauded at the SOTU. What a despicable display of abuse of…
Does anyone think this was basically blackmail? Given the fact that he was a cop it would be implied like this: “Give me your baby, or I’ll arrest you for shooting up, or wait a while until when I make sure you’re charged with child endangerment, and probably adopt your kid when Child Protective Services takes it from…
Or how about the way he went about it. I mean, really, it sounds like it was kind of a threat almost. I mean, this whole thing, regardless of what good there is in it, is stained with some pretty vicious attitudes.
Well said.
They hired a guy who said he wanted to pee on a 4 year. WTF?
Thank you. And I’m sorry your story is denied. Attempted assaults can do just as much for a person’s trust and security as an executed assault can. I’m hugging you right back across the waves. :-)
I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s truly maddening and disgusting how some people feel they are entitled to take someone else’s personhood for their own wants. But I am so glad you have parents you can trust, and your husband.
you are right - it’s not relevant....sometimes it’s better to just think these things, not share them!
I have interviewed Andrew Fuller and Kristle Lowell for a Summit to End Bullying and Abuse in Sport that launches February 5th. Their stories are shocking, heart-breaking and also tales of triumph in that they escaped, recognized the cult-like “home” they were in, and were able to return to health and clarity. When…