
So many questions.

we have a knights of columbus hall in my (small, southern indiana) hometown. we call it “the KofC” but with twang it sounds just like “KFC”. prom was always held there, lots of wedding receptions were held there. it’s hideous. one time i was coming home for a high school friend’s wedding and bringing my boyfriend (who

KfC, however, is unimpeachable.

He’s a member of the Knights of Columbus, for Christ’s sake.

Jenna Sauers was who caught my interest once upon a time. Her DIY articles were great too.

Yes! I loved her work. It’s been what, a decade since she was here? Sigh.

I miss Tatiana the Anonymous Model!

I appreciate it!

In comparison, every walk I’ve ever done basically looks like this:

lol, nice try.

You sound exactly like you just finished Women’s Studies 101.

I’m not surprised that the computer programmer is the one who would actually put in the time to practice, practice, practice and then practice some more to have a decent runway walk. “Mommy, daddy, please make a call because I want to be a model” types are unlikely to see the point or the value.

Now playing

Karlie Kloss has the best walk among these batch. I guess she’s the only one that really was a model from the start.

He looks very nervous to me, and those dark circles under his eyes say tired as well. I think George is a sensitive little boy who’s been thrust on to the world stage through no fault of his own, and doesn’t really dig all the attention.

It was something specifically floated at the school he’s attending but it isn’t an official policy. It’s targeted at kids younger than 5th grade I think. Not that I endorse it.

You aren’t wrong. I’ve met boys his age with that face. They are incredibly shy and want their mothers for emotional security.

My cold heart goes out to him. He looks tired and nervous.

Awww, I admit I’m biased Bc I’m projecting but...I’ll bet he’s just nervous! School can be an intimidating first experience for toddlers.

I will never get enough of this kid. I hate kids, but his facial expressions crack me up.