Put him on an ice floe.
Punchable nothing. I want to remove that grin with an orbital sander.
This is what my 5 year old does. She says ‘I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just want to give you a hug’, when she comes into a room she’s not supposed to be in.
IMO she’s his guardian trying to hide his clearly deteriorating mind. Dementia/Alzheimers/frontal lobe failure etc. Same reason she went to the G20 meeting and not Orange.
Not to mention, Jenna Bush Hager is adorable when she interviews her grandparents for Today.
As a golden girls addict I’m always amazed that they’re meant to be in their 50s in the show. I feel like our idea of what “old” was drastically changed in a short period of time.
She’s bipolar I’m like 99% sure and guess what? Treatment often involves prescription meds. You’re an Asshole.
Whoa! “Lots of pills on her bedside table?” If you consider that lots of pills, you’re in for a shock when you hit 70.
“Lots”? I see maybe two.
It’s crazy how much shit she got for that speech and she was only 19. Also it’s crazy how everyone looked so old to me back then and now looking back they all look like babies. People are crazy. Time passing is crazy. Everything is crazy!
Fiona apple is literally the only icon from my adolescence who hasn’t disappointed me. She just gets better!!
THIS world is bullshit. Not THE world is bullshit. ‘This’ in context refers to the music industry and industrialized aspiration. The world may well be bullshit also but that is categorically not what she meant.
THIS world is bullshit. Not THE world is bullshit. ‘This’ in context refers to the music industry and industrialized aspiration. The world may well be bullshit also but that is categorically not what she meant.
I love her. She made high school okay. That is all.
New friends is one solution.