Svante Allmungs

True Detective was never meant to be dark, from the beginning it was suppose to be a lighthearted comedy … Why do you think they got McConaughey and Woody in the first place?

Hey remember when Samuel L. Jackson was dressed as a nazi in Frank Millers The Spirit? Yeah me too …

"I'm super normal" - Like every other human being.

Obviously somebody over at NBC is a huge Breaking Bad fan.

Well that sounds more like it but still, if Bruce Wayne hasn't acquired some martial arts skills, then will I really care about his story?

But … But … The rise of Luciano? Come on!

Still thinking that the twist is that John and Sarah is a couple and that they're going all Twillight.

I'm pretty sure that Magneto killed Kennedy, but the twist is that he'll have to team up with the X-Men and save Nixon from Mystique and thereby preventing the slightly horrific future. It would make for an interesting arc and I can't wait to see how the scenes between Magneto and Mystique plays out since he's really

Looking at how the ctor who plays Bran is ageing I think they'll finish his ADWD storyline pretty soon then just have him around for whispers for a while.