
Bus drivers aren't using their personal vehicles.


One must have a fingerprint on file, in Cali where I live, to drive one’s child on school field trips. Uber/Lyft are full of shit saying it is an undue burden on drivers. What is an undue burden on drivers, is the lack of benies, no pay while waiting, no tip in app (Uber), high phone, gas, oil, tire charges (some

Why does Sega refuse to bring over Phantasy Star but for some reason brings over their shitware known as Sonic every chance it gets?

That must not correlate at all with the fact that the west thought it was a good idea to market only Sonic for Sega, so people could know only about those Sonic games while the good Sega IPs got ignored for no specific reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole reason for that was because they put their fan bias

SEGA, can you at LEAST make an HD remake of PSO for current gen consoles??? The GameCube version goes for around $150! I’ll throw money at you, I swear.

Of course they aren’t because that would involve turning a blind eye to area restrictions and accepting money from people they don’t want money from. The only people I know who can sit on a lucrative ip that’s finished and say “nope, we don’t need more money”

NO, this is NOT a tear, I’ve gotten used to Sega *sniff*

Well I mean, what did you expect, really?

Atleast we have Sonic Boom!

Sega is only interested in destroying our feeble minds with shitty sonic games.

In other news the sub is expected to rise tomorrow.

Sega hates everyone outside of Japan? Par for course, as usual.

“SEGA is currently commited to punctured more holes in the hull of its shinking ship. By the way, check out the new bad Sonic franchise we made knowing full well that new Sonic franchises are horrible.”

And I’m still currently not willing to give Sega any money :)
Release Yakuza Ishin and Phantasy Star Online or you will never get any more of my money Sega.
I can just as easily get any game you’ve released used, for low low low prices too!

Fine then. Don’t take my money.

I just don’t understand...I thought even though Phantasy Star Universe was weak compared to PSO, it still sold pretty well in the western release... and at least, the times I did play online (I’m mostly a solo type) I was able to build a party easily. And the Overseas servers only shut down a few months before the

Not surprising in the least. It’s a shame since F2P games like Warframe & DCUO make a decent chunk of change on PSN, I think PSO2 wold do well on PS4 in the west. Hell, it would probably do well on PC in the west, even with the genre being as flooded as it is on PC.

Surprising? No, not at all.

Why doesn’t SEGA want my money? Did they decide after the 90s that they don’t like money anymore??