
Foster’s still dead. Under a tarp in a hole.

How many have happened in the United States where Marvel is located and has been located?

An American company, making a comic about “civil war” and “turning brothers in arms against each other”...isn’t referencing the American Civil War just a whole lot? Yeah I’m sorry. I’m willing to suspend disbelief and believe that a guy with tiny little wings on his ankles can fly and breath under water but that is

America’s Civil War, isn’t the only civil war ever. There have been countless ones.

Bill Foster AKA Black Goliath of the first Civil Hum-Dug-Diggery-Doo is still dead AFAIK, unless that changed with the whole God-Doom business.

It’s hard for me to get too upset about this, because I know he’ll be back eventually.

Like I wrote, I was going off memory. I’ll add a note.

As a black man and fan of Rhodey, I feel all of this too, Evan. Well written.

At this point, and having been reading comics and, well, stuff, for over 30 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you have to kill a character purely to create drama, you suck at writing. This is especially true of the kill the gf/wife/daughter trope—which instantly marks you as mostly talentless to me—but

On the flip side, which heroes have died and remained dead, never to be seen again? If death meant anything in comics these days, I’d probably be furious that they killed him off.

Just as a nitpick, it looks like Storm and Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) were in the original Secret Wars, at least on the cover of the first issue. And I think Falcon might have been; he got a toy, in any case. Not that it excuses fridging one of their relatively few prominent black heroes.

This is really powerful, Evan. I always love reading your thoughts, because for the most part it seems like comics are written by people who look like me, for people who look like me, about people who look like me. It’s easy to forget that killing the black guy to raise the stakes is more than just a tired trope.

Doesn’t mean they aren’t trading on the association. They have a character named Holocaust too it’s still distasteful even if it isn’t directly referencing The Shoah.

Wow to add insult to the fact that it appeared in a FREE comic book, not a $5 release, Breevort says “we didn’t realize it.” Jeez Louise. It’s the exact same excuse on why diversity in “mainstream media” is a constant challenge.

It really does sound like a terribly poorly done study — I swear some of these are done solely to get results that they know lazy reporters will run with.

Welcome to Gawker science reporting. Well, science reporting in general.

I wouldn’t worry about all that. It makes logical sense. It’s already been proven that painkillers dull emotional pain as well as physical (same receptors). Empathy is another form of emotional pain.

Dude this is Gawker Media, no need for your well-written, thoughtful, fact based, contrarian reasoning around here. Go. Shoo. Scram. ;)

A- how long does the effect last and

I am unable to determine how valid this study is without being able to read it. Of course, the original copy is behind a paywall that is $233/year for access for a personal account. I don’t belong to an institution that pays for access either. All I have is the abstract quote on the page and that is pretty much