
It’s there because I put it there.

I really don’t have an issue telling people to be less vapid and cookie cutter. The world could do without more of that Kardashian bullshit.

Always be Emma Thompson

To me, she’s one of those people who seems genuinely nice and well-meaning, but is so insecure that she comes across as needy and overcompensating, and therefore annoys everyone. I just wanna be like, “Girl, you’re beautiful, smart, and pretty talented! RELAX already! Be chill!”

Gwen Stefani is starting to look like a Gwen Stefani impersonator.

@Ryan Reynolds


Exactly. That quote is contradictory from start to finish. I never liked Chelsea Handler. Guess that makes me an Angelina.

Unless the woman you don’t like is Angelina Jolie in which case you’re Chelsea Handler.

Oh, Kendra...

All my hormones just dried right up after reading that. Like, I don’t even need menopause. It’s like you just made me go through commentopause.

Is there any such thing as negative chemistry? Because these two had less than zero.

But can the cat make ugly-cry mouth?

Gwake and bake.

I have never been more sure of anything in my life than that whoever mistook Nicole Richie for a homeless person did not respond the way the magazine says she did.

Now playing

For some reason, I’m in the grays again, but I must post this. Perhaps it will get me un-grayed? OH DAYUMMMM.