
This works both ways.  Chadwick Boseman as Thurgood Marshall?  Really!

$500 is not enough. Make it $5000. That’s a serious fine.

I like him but there are better candidates.  Also, at only 37 years old he would still be young if he ran in 10 years. What’s his hurry!

I am shocked. I was expecting a “Slavery was a choice” t-shirt.

I am over the low-life cheating behavior but continually playing golf with the Dotard is unforgivable.

Team parents all the way! If they start crowd funding to pay legal bills, I will contribute.

Oh please! I suppose Bernie is pure as the Vermont snow. He’s not,

Good luck to Mr. Holder. Chris Darden is a terrible lawyer.

Before I even read about this woman I knew she had sons and no daughters. I have a few friends who have only sons and they are always bad-mouthing girls for tempting their poor innocent boys. It makes me furious. These are women who raise their sons with no sense of accountability.

The difference between Pat McGrath’s makeup line being worth a billion dollars and Kylie Jenner’s line is Pat actually worked for many years in the field as a professional makeup artist. Pat’s success is greatly deserved. Kylie, not so much!

I saw it. She is a garbage human being. BTW, have they ever established what Marlo does for a living to afford all those very expensive designer clothes? She must  have other sources of income besides her appearance HOA?

I like Tanya on Housewives of Atlanta. They have got to get rid of that horrible Marlo. She’s awful!

The writing is on the wall. America will never elect a woman for president regardless of her qualifications. Ugh!!!

I saw him in a play on Broadway a few years back. He was great.

This is what happens when you have a real leader with common sense.  

Not true. I have heard of the artists/song writers getting varying percentages for using parts of their songs. In this case, the 90% seems right. The entire Ariana song is based on the Rogers & Hammerstein song.

I agree. I also think a lot of the hostility towards her is because her husband is white.

Some of the other complaints about Kamala might be legit but the truancy thing? Poor people more than anyone else should encourage their children to go to school. Getting an education is one of the key components of of escaping poverty. Punishing parents for not making sure their children attend school is might be a

I have a bad feeling about this trial. Cop + Texas + black victim = acquittal. I really hope I am wrong.

Bear with me? What are we suppose to be patient about? Her learning not be a vile, disgusting racist or learning not to let her face get so shiny?