
Leno is a pathetic and cowardly. I would be very surprised if he has the balls address Oliver’s fabulous take down.

Not to mention, she seems really stupid. A couple of times I have seen magazines recommend some of her beauty products. My response is now and always will be “not even if they were free”. She’s trash!

I agree. I can’t believe the cops response to her was “give him some space”. WTF!


Let’s face it. Phil is not above this. How many insider trading like accusations has he had leveled against him?

John McCain has admitted that he graduated at near or at the bottom of his class. There is no doubt that he probably prevented someone more skilled/less connected from getting in the Naval academy.

Thank god Joy is there to keep her in check.

People always forget both things can be true. Michael was a pedophile and La Toya was exploiting that for her own benefit. It’s not an either or situation.

This will be her fourth marriage! Why?

You can only be tested for herpes when you have a break out. There is no blood test when it’s dormant.

She and Spencer are also proud Republicans.

Everything I have read about Kamala Harris describes a woman doing her damn job. If you are a prosecutor of course you are going to be tough on crime. Again, that’s your damn job! This constant examination of every case she came in contact with is ridiculous. Everyone has a past and everyone has not always performed

I have watched all episodes of The Shop. It’s highly entertaining and somewhat informative. Everything good TV is suppose to be. Can’t that be enough?  Your criticism is way over the top!

I don’t need you or anyone to yell read CLOSER to me! I was just correctly pointing out the flaw in your logic.

Did you catch Luke when he was on celebrity Jeopardy? He seemed pretty smart. I know celebrity Jeopardy does not have the same degree of difficulty as regular Jeopardy but he won!

So did Jeb Bush! Where did that get him???

I find him beyond sanctimonious.

Totally agree. Love Michelle, strongly dislike that portrait. The chin is all wrong.

How true. It’s typical for that immature asshole to blame something else and not take responsibility for his behavior.

Obviously a man of substance!