
And as you said, this is not a purely fictional narrative. In the book, you talk about having been a trio with two other girlfriends who got married at the same time; as all of you guys saw it to some degree, they’d moved on together, leaving you behind.

He’s not going to care when the inevitable MRA sock army sends her endless rape and death threats. He’ll pretend he had absolutely nothing to do with it, that it was her own fault, that she shouldn’t have done the same to him.

Maybe he should have just sent the last tweet?

My main terror with a trump election is it validates his entire vile persona as politically viable and opens the door for that sort of “douchebag populism” to become the new status quo.

The GOP: Constantly in a battle for “Oh you think that’s a shitty thing to do?!”

not to be dramatic but that is the best sentence ever to be written in the history of the english language

Seriously. Has she tried to apply for a job or a lease lately? She lives her life in a bubble of make-believe.

“You know, we have this Muslim, Kenyan, Socialist ruining our country and letting it be over-” [aide whispers in Trump’s ear]

He's being given the Kardashian Retreat Treatment (KRT, trademarked). Step 1: Find vunerable black man. Step 2: Drive him mad or towards drugs. Step 3: Watch implosion and act like concerned wife/concubine/underage sidepiece.

Those KJGirls have their hands full. Lamar, Kanye, Tyga and DoucheLord.

Fucking good for her. I'd be pissed if some egomaniacal dude was trying to take credit for my massive success too. This is the most I've ever liked Taylor Swift.

I am a case manager for low income families. A lot of my clients have some trouble with family planning and regardless of the fact that some of them live off of less that a thousand dollars a month, continue having baby after baby. Do I think it’s right to keep bringing children into poverty? No. Do I keep my opinions

Finally figured it out: She’s Marilyn Manson without the heavy makeup.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.