
Yes, awfully sad in every direction. The show did a brilliant thing by showing us the (understandable) perception of Poussey's friends that her death was, in Taystee's words "cold blooded murder". But we watch and we know that is not what Bayley the individual young man did. We want the prison and MCC management to be

Completely agree. I found the arc in this episode very moving, and a credit to the actors playing Healy and Lolly and the writers. We saw his spirit breaking here. He had tried to help in his own way. Full circle tragedy.

Indeed the storyline that the guard could just 'decide' to add a few years to Ruiz' (or anyone's) sentence is not plausible. It was a means to an end I guess.

Yes, the extra years for Ruiz is huuuuge dramatic licence. A guard cannot just decide to give a prisoner additional years on sentence without at least a quasi-judicial process. Well, perhaps in a lawless banana-republic yes but in New York it is not a plausible storyline. (corruption notwithstanding, there would at

I agree with you. At least her slightly scary stalkery behaviour towards Piper in season 1 was interesting, as a modest threat. She is a character who, at least as much as a teenager, knows right from wrong. Everyone in the audience, review boards and Litchfield gave her a pass for beating up Poussey. She'll get a

Couldn't disagree more with the reviewer that this episode's time with Healy was misplaced. It was actually the culmination of his entire arc in every season to date. His devastation was clearly not, as the reviewer suggests, related to guilt over the guard. His devastation is that he gets it, accepts it, finally,

She attempted to articulate how the demeaning treatment was dehumanising, and crossing a line. Rightly or wrongly, perhaps as a more formally educated person, she considered it her responsibility to do so. It's really bizarre what some people on this thread find irritating.

It should be horrifying to anyone. There is no justification for torture against a human being, and no one 'deserves it', neither terrorism suspects nor selfish and privileged prisoners. I'm truly perplexed at the reviewer's agonised approach.

AV Club: "it’s possible that some feel Piper has earned a swastika brand on her arm, and I’m not going to say those people are wrong to feel this way."

I also would've thought so. But on this forum, apparently not!

I love the show and all the actresses basically. Could not be more impressed at the range of societal issues being tackled. (Disclosure: I inspect prisons, but not in the US.)
However I find it strange that the reviewer almost apologises to the readers for his admission that he is not 'ok' with the violence inflicted

If he is a Russian spy, this will destroy whatever little remains of Paige's emotional health and trust in adults-and so Phillip will kill him. If he is not a Russian spy- Elizabeth will kill him. Doesn't look good for Pastor Tim either way:)

What a tense, gripping and brutal season of television. Just amazing performances across the board. Love the show. Have enjoyed these recaps, although am quite freaked out by many responses in the comments to the final scenes, i)complaining about Paige 'betraying' her parents (LOL) by seeking out someone she trusts

I agree with your Mafia point.

Exactly. I just tried to make the same point but you already said it better.

Surely you jest. At least I hope there is no ideology that would make me thrilled for completely innocent people to be murdered….Compulsive murderers-(psycopaths etc) are fairly rare. Most murderers (organised criminals, angry spouses, terrorists, true believers whatever) will have some kind of 'justification'.

Yep. A perfect moment for the character and the whole series.

Great finale. Have enjoyed these AV reviews and recaps, because no one else I know watches the show ( a common refrain it seems). This is my first comment, as I've always thought Justified was a fun, smart show, and its been a real treat these past few years. However this final season, and with this final episode it