
-squints at gif- .. pretty sure that’s a corvette. lol — even moreso in the video preview still-image.

Or she’s got her own sound deadening.. if you’re near 80, and have been driving a ‘vert for a while, you probably can’t hear so well anymore. lol

Unless you’re 80 and hard of hearing. Lol

The dangers of sound dampening and aerodynamics: You don’t think you’re going that fast til you see a lightbar behind you and/or on the road, making you check your speed. lol

The way I look at it, is not as a panel van, but a panel truck. They also have higher ground-clearance, iirc, so it helps to think of it that way. lol. They’re still ugly as hell, but yeah. Truck is more the styling here, than Van.

yeah, they had the timers off, so all you could go by was the SRT-pages time sheets.

Actually both work. lol - The supra was braking (can’t tell really, but it’s likely), but breaking-left out of a right hand turn. Used like “banking left”, etc)

What .. is that an ashtray in front of the cupholders? I don’t recall seeing one on my XJ. I’m pretty sure ours (admittedly an older model) was up higher, on the dash.

I think they were aiming towards the gap between the SUV they flipped and the car in front of the Semi truck.. and then that gap disappeared when the suv (the one that got hit) slowed down for traffic ahead, leaving him no room to brake.

I think that’s exactly why it got under the car. That gen Celica has a low nose to start with, braking that hard will easily get under a bumper. You saw the suspension flexing, and then they whipped the wheel to the left as they got under the bumper.

The whole wreck: It just takes one idiot not paying attention to

I was thinking it also has to do with the weight. That thing’s suspension system cannot be nearly as light as the wee thing flying over the crests of those waves.

.. in the 80s.. by a nightclub.. Logic probably wasn’t a huge factor here. lol

insert 710 cap joke.

Needs a roof-rack but other than that? Sold! xD (if only I had the $ right now, seriously. I love me some AMC). It’s basically an XJ Cherokee with a wagon body.

Luckily, most of our cars are too old to be on that list. Newest car at the moment is my WK (2005) Jeep Grand Cherokee, and from what I can see, the only Jeep on there is the Wrangler, and not that old. Yay for old cars. lol

Knob for standard headlights/fogs; pull-signal-stalk for brights.

The video is sort of annoying. You have one person arguing that the Honda is a better “normal car” than the Focus for most of the video. Not a fan of this back & forth. I’d rather they both drive both the cars and see what they think at the end. Its a different experience as a passenger than a driver.. especially with

Fair enough. Style being subjective ‘n all.. to each their own ;)

Not bad, almost went a similar direction with mine. I’m not hugely fond of cutting around the fog’s though. Maybe replace with a horizontally aligned LED set like some other companies do? Functional: less aero drag & less power to run..

True, it does sort of look like those bug-deflectors rather than part of the styling.