

Down-side to artist renderings.. they never work in the real world quite like they do in your imagination. lol


The underdog: The Chrysler Pacifica. Beats up other cars & keeps on going. xD

This.. is a lot of really crappy photoshop.. with a vaguely rolls-shaped CGI machine.

I like the Phantom Coupe; but this, idk man.. not my thing I guess?
and I am a dog person, so.. *shrug*

This is actually already our mail truck. xD

I wish we had the video of the dude coming out of said store.

First car was a '95 neon acr. My Mom unwittingly bought me a race car for my first vehicle for the sole purpose of making me learn how to drive stick. She sucked as a teacher, but got the job done. Eight vehicles later, i still prefer manual. I have only had two autos. Both jeep. (most were sold, two were wrecked,

I... have no effing clue..

It's like they combined all the concepts that looked cool, like.. 4 years ago, and like, broke it.

this nose.. not a good look. O.o Too tall & Narrow.

Good point; I wonder if the doors'll be an option then.

In all honesty; it looks like she had no clue that the car was being chased by police & was just effing pissed that the guy driving the Challenger had endangered her family so severely.

Now playing

Actually the way they're designed, seems that they open mostly vertically, not like gull-wings, or lambo-doors.

70% — second guessed myself on the GTR. I knew it was a GTR, but was like nah, suck question I bet... //wrong//

So.. Mazda5 competitor? O.o

do "rural" routes count? Cause we have just about /any/ vehicle as a USPS car. The latest I saw was a late 90s/early 2000s Buick Century. o.O

Fair enough. That's if you're rock crawling like most of the racers are doing. For //most// the grand does the job it needs to.

Are we sure the market isn't what changed? It was one of the first large crossovers. Now the market is flooded with them, Subaru hasn't had to change much to be in that market. I see the typical refresh and power/amenity bump that goes through most models. It hasn't forsaken it's roots, the market simply flooded with

The result of all those flat-nosed cars we have come to own these days. lol

My theory, the heavy-nosed vehicle, simply hit some thick snow, rolling it's relatively light weight up in the air, while the nose was still being slowed down by the snow, until it rotated into it's as-seen-on-jalopnik pose. lol