
That... is a dumb rule. lol

You guys who discounted the neon, SUCK.

Just sayin. :|

Just about the most common swaps out there for the 1gen Neons. There's a bunch of different ones done though; anything from a subaru drivetrain swap to a minivan v6 swap (not because power, but because they could. lol)

It looks like.. something out of RidgeRacer. lol

which is probably why I like it. lol

If it wasn't .. for the face..

I still prefer the Rolls' to it.

I honestly think they're just trying to bring back the older tailgate badging styles; but with "f150" and "raptor" back there, it's not a very clean look.

Here, I fixed it. No moar cleft lip grille.

with that straight edge; it looks even more like a 90s ford, that's why I didn't go that route. lol

I was thinking it actually kinda' works now - but otherwise I could try and adjust those lines fore & aft, because you can't do one without the other. lol

Pulling one of the press photos from autoblog.. I made this:
Just modified the headlight, IMO, makes it flow.. sooooooooooooomuchbetter than the giant piece they have on there.

sooooo... a cruze with better interior?

There, fixed it, kinda.

The rear looks a lot less.. proportionate, compared to the rest of the car. It transitioned to an acura pointy-ass. xD

It kind of looks like a Kia from here tbh. A Kia with Braces. o.O
I think this perspective is probably it's worst. The rest of them look decent though.
[Definitely not a fan of the lower chromed-plastic piece, however.]

I hear "bolt", and I think of this:

Pff.. lies. You don't even see these things. I used the Jeep, btw, for the 'quiz'. lol

Nah; that'd look like shit. I did the full-wood crate look of the late-model wags. Not pretty.

Like this but cf stripe? (Grille from 63-67 wagoneers and jtrucks)

So they're pissed he was seen, but not that he was on the bus. lol