
Hayyyy... It's only Mall-Rated if you don't go off-road. :p

It does, and doesn't..

.. it's adjustable, most likely. lol

ACR-x or GT3 car.

That's not the only 4-wheeled variety of sports he's done. O.o lol

Which sport do you love most; the two wheeled variety or the four?

Something like, this, maybe: (designed & rendered by me)

I'm starting to see these all over the place. The nose has grown on me, and it works better "in person" than in pictures. Decent review for the top-selling Jeep at the moment. lol

We keep all our receipts for our cars, and for gas we write the mileage the car has when we fill up. I also put it in my tablet/app [aCar]. I have done this for years now, it saved us here & there, when we noticed a particular gas-station that would over-charge, as in: No gas was pumped, but it charged you for a

Most muscle-cars can be put under this scenario. They're already good looking, now you just need to make them act like they're powered by a modern v8 not the antiquated one they actually came with; whether they turn or not is also a mod-must.

looking at it again, and again, and again like this only points out the obvious lift that that trailer had to make that possible. LOL

It will apparently baby too, as they had some Hellcat carseats in one of em (TFLcar video showed em)

What about the new Ram Promasters. They're definitely eye-catching & big enough to walk around in if necessary.

What about the Jeep pickup? lol - there's about 5 concepts, constantly rolling around, yet none have made it to reality for about 20 years outside of AEV, where you have to chop up your Wrangler to do it.
— J12/NuKizer

OH! i have one more — the RX8 when it first came out. At the time, I was driving my 1st car still, ACR Neon, and was used to being able to hear when to shift.. the RX8 was a MUTE to me, suspension, engine noise, everything; just bleh. o.o I hated it, loved the way it looked, but I hated the way it drove.

I've only driven in san-fran a few times with my cars (a couple 1gen neons and vw's - all manual). I think the issue with that Aston is it's sheer weight; light cars like a corvette or a neon or other bleep-can car won't have an issue comparitively. My Dart never had an issue with hills either, and i disable the

.. the '14 Cruze LTz I was stuck in for a rental while they were deciding my Darts fate. It handles like bleep, especially on dirt. Not to mention uncomfortable little bastard in anything longer than say 2hrs on the road. I know I'm comparing a Fully-loaded Dart to a fairly low-end Cruze, but why have the stupid

not much of a sleeper effect when it's blowing so much smoke. O.o

O.o what? I had no issues with my Neon ACR, or Neon Sport, or Dodge Dart :pp xD

Nope, you gave me too much credit in this instance. I saw SEMA, and decided this wasn't worth the read, only because that truck will never see the light of day after the show.