
maybe; but everybody with that drivetrain loves the exhaust burble, so who knows?

lol, it should - same drivetrain as the Abarth. o.O

lol, it should - same drivetrain.

it was a joke.. and idc. I don't typically buy 'yotas.

I've been with my bf for 12-13yrs now [i always forget, lol]. We don't argue much, and when we do it's about something stupid like what movie to watch or who should put away something, or if they did it the right way [we both have our OCD moments]. I don't consider them fights, just stupid little arguments. [and yes,

"Well, it worked for the Raptor, we should totally do that too."

So.. a lot of these cars are already in Gran Turismo, and have been for generations of the game. Unfortunately, however I see Forza taking over simply because GT promises a lot and rarely delivers. It's sad, because I like GT physics more..

yes, but not the manufacture that they're actually working for, according to the video (dude commented on the procedure that needed to be done and said he was going to do what he did first), and the backpedaling dealer statements (not condoning the behavior of its staff).

lol - the Laramie Longhorn is probably the most gaudy of the bunch; but that's just down to trim-level. *shrug*

So, the fact that the idiot techs' abused the car, regardless of the camera has no bearing on your judgement, because the dude owns a rustang? O.o

If they idiot techs' hadn't done what they did, there'd be no problem. The fact is, they're on camera, and they probably did this to SEVERAL cars before getting called on

explains the defensive-mode you had goin. LOL — the front end design never really worked for me on those things. I still don't count them as a minivan, however. lol

that's why i said "more like a pacifica" not "a clone of the pacifica" i was asking which one the R class was, because i never remember their various SUV/CUV (which i consider the R-class) alpha-numerics.

There is definitely counter-steer, albeit not D1-level of counter-steer but there was an attempt.

I meant on form/function, not drivetrain in this case. The drivetrain doesn't make or break something as a minivan. lol

No, cause that's more like a Pacifica, right? O.o

The hell kind of USED minivan costs 27k? O.O lol

Good cops rarely make a good story; like this one, being shared around the globe, gets more hits/money than a good story. Like the magical word "pitbull", it gains peoples looks, from both sides of the tape, as it were.

LOL.. Robo-Tundra is a perfect name for that design language.

This thing is so oddly designed. It looks epically huge in the front with the grilles chosen; and it looks like a friggin Colorado-sized truck from the back, it's proportions are weird to me. o.O

And yes, the King Ranch is probably the most gaudy POS you'll see on the road, and because of that, you'll see a lot of

3 Horn — GMC HighSierra 35. We were told he was a '75, he was a '77. The reason it was a pain in the ass, was mostly because, in california anything manufactured 75 and older is exempt from smog testing. It was our idiocy in the long-run though, because we didn't check the vin until he was in our 'driveway', and of