
Jeep has had it that way since the 40s, my friend. It's not going to change any time soon. lol

I think, if the Compass sold like that originally, it would've done much better; people were actually excited about it as the prototype/pre-production model:

.. i dont wash my Jeep. Like, ever. lol — sounds dumb; but i live on a dirt road, and it rains enough, that I may as well not wash it, because it'll be in the mud <5mins into the drive to wherever I'm going.

This is when I first got him; and that's the cleanest he's been since. (Thanksgiving, '13) — I am very

except that that one is not the trailhawk. o.O (you can tell by the front bumper not having a lame looking chrome mouth on it)

I made this a while ago - I named it Michelangelo.. (i was having fun, dont shoot me)

Have you noticed how you sit in an XJ, you sit in that thing, as you would a sedan; in modern CUVs and SUVs you sit upright, as you were in a truck. Crash testing has probably affected that to some degree (sitting upright versus legs-forward), and therefore your ground-clearance isn't going to be as awesome. Thats why

lol, true enough.

that's subjective, cause, for me, there's just something wrong with the nose.. idk what it is, but it bugs the hell out of me. lol

.. considering i actually LIKE the Cherokee, (and the lil Renegade), IDK if I've got the same aesthetic or not as you guys. lol (maybe its just a girl thing, who knows?)

I honestly, just can't get over it's looks. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore, at least visually (shrug)

Apparently I cannot edit my old post; so here is my "edit" -

Upon further review, it does look more like a 1gen explorer. License plate placement and the hood rake; its far too square to be a 2nd gen, i think:

Looks like an xj Cherokee (looks to have those fender flares), or a square body Explorer (like 1st gen).. It's got 5-spoke 5-lug wheels, that look Stock style.. Downside is jeep and 1gen explorers had the same lug Pattern,

That is all. Lol

My mom's w202 had them too; the one side or the other ones.

Transporter movies.

Yes, but most cars that are turbo these days are turbo 4s

I don't like that,because its like you're saying thanks for letting me in, not SORRY! MY BAD!

I have done that, it's because that light is usually red when you see it, and you're kind of in what I call autopilot, lol.. You know the road so well, that you can kind of do it without paying a ton of attention..

I think mine was a few weeks ago. Forgetting my Jeep was not a stick shift, and attempted to downshift into what would've been 3rd in a 55 zone..