
Diaz says: “These dirt bikes and ATVs are not street legal, yet videos clearly show them pulling right up to the pump at gas stations all over the City. It is time for this City to consider a creative solution to shut off the fuel that drives the recklessness that has taken control of our streets."

yes, euro's have their rich idiots too. xD

lol.. they seem to have slightly changed the design for '14. My Dart has one. This seat debut'd in the Journey, I think. o.O

Well; 3 I can help you with. lol - Made this when the press shots came out

I like the orange, myself.

What, and no waggy's made the list? ;)

It's not so much that it's there, it's more that it could've been SO much better than it is (the vette)

Yes, I definitely like the Vipers' better:

Meh; Lexus has way too much going on in their design lately. o.O

I see this; and I think Shelby Series one mated with a Ferrari California.

break glass in case of... people trying to steal it at the auto show? xD

I don't know what this particular light bar is supposed to be for; mounted so far back it can't light up too much aside from the trees or something.. o.O

did anyone just go look for videos of this thing? sounds awesome; still one of my favorite concepts Chrysler ever did. Was never green-lit due to Daimler.. well.. being a failure.

Large properties = large hardware; large hardware is not usually street legal & has to be towed, or driven off-highway, if legal. I don't see a Sprinter or Ducato doing this.

Not so much Charger, but GTX

is it? Most keyless entry systems I notice aren't passive, you have to push the button still. o.O

Always get two. My bf has one, and I have one. lol

Most of these are scammers that didn't expect the brakes of their victims' cars to work that well. o.O (i have to say kind of a misleading title there)

Probably not as cool as all those, but I like my Dodge Dart's key fob. It has the passive entry, no fob button pushing necessary, I like the fact I never have to touch the key fob to arm or disarm it. Just put your hand in the from doorhandle to unlock/arm, and push the button to arm/lock. You never actually have to

Then what we simply disagree/debate on is aesthetic, which is entirely .. pointless. lol