
They're unpopular? o.O

and it's cousin the Rendezvous.

it looks like it's squinting.. it just looks .. odd with the Nissan-kink. lol

Though I'm sure it'll eventually appear in something with Tom Cruise or Will Smith because of course it will, the BMW i8 is a car of the future that is somehow appearing on the market now. That being said, it needs to be in some sort of movie, preferably carrying the villain. Something about it just looks so sinister,

Lincoln Continental?

no, check the rear window; the Jag is more likely.

At least nobody thought "suppository" for the i8 to make it more sporty. xD

I was so focused on the snake I didn't realize there were 3 mouths involved there. xD

I'm glad I am not the only one. xD

Okay; i wouldn't call it a graphic, lol — more like trim.
(graphics to me, are vinyl or something similar)

o.O what graphic?

o.O Has it's work cut out for it? GM does own Cadillac; I expect they knew what each-others designs would be. lol


I'm 30, with a Bachelors, and have been unemployed for 2yrs, at this point.

I'm pretty sure manuals are dropping because americans are lazy. We like to do things the easy way, and the Automatic transmission is the epitome whilst driving.

this is more.. "will it drift".. xD

red miata driver is an ass.

What about the 200C; i think that started all the screens everywhere thing. o.O

more like "needs broomhandle". lol

Much as I think that the new crop of yellow/black Camaros are cool, I'm still mad Bumblebee isn't a VW Bug.