
You do realize that Chrysler didn't formally take a shit until 2000 or so; the Neons best selling year was 1998, when the R/T debut'd. It was when Daimler introduced the new body-style that everything basically went to shit. It got a bloated body, but nothing else changed. I know that because you can basically swap

amusing title for this one.. almost expected it to be Nissan Rogue engineers that made the Juke R; althoug they're probably the same people. lol

Render = drawing, not a full-scale model. o.O

You guys are confusing "concept-to-reality changes, versus Renderings done by magazines and enthusiasts. o.O

This is not a Rendering, This is a concept car.

It would likely be on the company that provided the wrap. They usually are the ones that come up with the artwork used in their wraps; the PD is just the client in this case.

That was at the OP, not you.. lol

Definitely his shot; the clouds' lighting behind the buildings is identical.
It's been photoshopped on the left side, but it's a completely stolen pic.

It's not that difficult to stand like that... lol

haayyy.. i have one of those.. lol

Wasn't this the CA version of the Longhorn (that was originally only available in Texas)?

I think this is one of those clothing things.. i did like the color though. o.O

Levi's was a thing for AMC. Probably every car they made came in a Levis' edition at some point, including the Jeeps. lol

At least Fiat owns Ferrari.. easy way to do the special edition :)

Looks like it's been mated with a Fusion.. not as 'new-school' as I expected, but a decent combination of the two.. it looks like they're trying harder to hide the ass though.

'spensive tires?

yeah; you would (or wouldn't?) be surprised what recent immigrants will run. It's kinda scary to be on the same roadways. lol

What is it with Cadillac and J's in their concept car names? .. or just odd spellings of something that'd look wierd written normally?

looks so.... plain, now.

lmao.. awesome.