Suzan Eraslan

Under Pete’s Medicare for all who want it, if everybody wants it, it’s medicare for all, isn’t it?”

Yeah, but it’s not “real” democracy if you do what the people want-- it’s only real democracy if you do what the anointed old, straight, white politicians want, otherwise, you’re “faking.” 

She has every reason not to just dump the chest in the Hudson. As any tri-state area mafioso will tell you, you dump a body in the East River, which flows to sea, not the Hudson River, which just flows upstate and will ultimately wash up on a bank somewhere.

Thank you, exactly this! 

This is why I prefer the newer term homomisia, because while that piece may not be gay fearing, it certainly was fraught with some internalized gay hatred stereotypes— all gay dudes are hypersexual and will eventually break and have drug fueled orgies if they haven’t already? Not only is it what the straights told us

What’s fascinating to me is that, watching all the videos of the candidates speaking, Pete is the only one who looks genuinely, deeply upset about this instead of looking at it as an opportunity to bring it back to their campaign. So, yeah, he didn’t get on a ladder to see the kids— maybe I’m an outlier, but I don’t

Or not send scouts ahead to see, oh, if maybe there was someone hanging out waiting for them in the part of the world they haven’t visited for months...? No wonder they lost an entire ethnic group in the last battle, these people have the military planning ability of a bag of marshmallows. 

My partner equated it to long divorced parents talking about their unruly teen daughter, which I thought was spot on.

Yes, I just realized that I said that a guy who has been completely castrated getting repeatedly kneed in the crotch was lovely.

I thought it was actually kind of lovely for him to discover that what he thought was his greatest weakness is actually a strength. Heavy handed metaphors are a D&D specialty, but at least this one gave Theon a break for once.

I think he was more concerned that she was making decisions based on wanting to bang the sulky guy in furs rather than what is best for the kingdom.

Yeah, this was my theory a few episodes ago when they first said she was pregnant— High Valyrian being, apparently, a tricky language when it comes to pronouns, maybe “the little brother” isn’t HER little brother, but the little brother of her kids.