I’m not sure this is an escalation. Seems more like they are just trying to avoid the issue entirely. Tomlin never says in that clip that he supports anything other than avoiding distractions.
I’m not sure this is an escalation. Seems more like they are just trying to avoid the issue entirely. Tomlin never says in that clip that he supports anything other than avoiding distractions.
Ok, but two elusive issues remain:
President Obama looks sexy af post-vacay and I aint even shy about it, lol.
Would Stupid Spice say that shit to Nikki Haley?
This should be retitled “The 10 Dumbest Ways to Use Zip Ties.”
He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.
I’m a little bit of a nervous flier (I don’t fly often). Best flights I ever had (turbulence wise and sound wise) was sitting at or in front of the wing. One time, I sat at the very back and I could feel everything. Never again.
Your employee might miss deadlines, but that’s only because he’s really good at relaxing, even during work hours.
Gaga seems to me to be from whatever planet Odo was from in Deep Space 9. She has no definable facial features, yet manages to convey human-like emotion.
There's a point when hacks become pointless. If you want to close up your chips, go to your local office supply store and buy a box of binder clips. If you want it free, "borrow" a couple from the office. If you don't have the money and you don't have a job, what are you doing buying wine with corks?
Oh for fuck’s sake…for one, California is a huge state with mountains, valleys, deserts, and remote areas. There are large parts of the state where there is ZERO cell phone service. Some areas where there is nominal cell service, there aren’t enough towers in the area for e-911 to triangulate the location of the call…
How do we know that this wasn’t her plan all along? “Wrong turn,” my foot. Who goes around with eight pounds of fruit in their car? And their son knew they were going to visit him for Mother’s Day. They disappear and no alarms are being sent up? They didn’t have a phone? No one passed them on the road? It’s not like…