Schwag 2.0

Happy to to give you my thoughts on this issue

Wow, are you really this stupid or being deliberately obtuse?

Armed robbery doesn’t translate to rape and murder though.

Yeah, this brings back memories of the whole “catcalling” issue that came to the forefront after that woman released the video of her walking down the street and getting constantly harassed.

I have so much respect for Melissa Benoist. I have rarely had the courage to talk openly about my experiences with rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence. I hope others are able to draw courage from her story and get help/out of danger. 

There were a lot of beats in the early parts of Melissa's story that felt familiar. I think what people don't comprehend in these situations is that the feelings you have for a partner don't flick off like a switch during a violent outburst. When I was processing what had happened I was still negotiating things with

You’re very stupid and should take a remedial course on statistics.

Hey Caitlin, I appreciate the way you wrote up the Melissa Benoist blurb. Seems like a lot of the internet is focused on identifying her partner at that time (which I gather is pretty obvious), but I can’t help but think that she didn’t name him because that’s not the takeaway she wanted for us.  Thanks for staying on

Melissa is real life superhero. 

I think this is really important to say, and I hope your comment doesn’t get buried and overlooked. There is NOTHING that poor young woman could have done to save herself. Had she stopped to chat with him, had she run, had she called out for was over for her the instant that man set his sights on her. 

Exactly. And also, if she had been carrying a weapon, and defended herself, the headlines would have been “Prissy Honors Student Viciously Murders Man Who Just Told Her She Is Pretty.”  

Illinois doesn’t have the death penalty, for one.

I disagreed with this below, but thinking it over, I think everyone on this thread is right. Predatory men have been thinking this way forever, but Trump and his crew of evil muppets aren’t exactly helping matters.

As well as all the people shrieking about how women need to arm themselves with guns/pepper spray/knives/tasers/etc. without even the thought of whether these weapons can snatched and turned against an already frightened and usually much smaller and physically weaker person. 

I think so, too. Men have been committing these atrocities since the beginning of human time, but the Trump era has definitely filled men’s heads (more than usual) with this mentality that *they* are the real victims in this world, of “nasty” women, of immigrants, of other people getting ahead of them. It’s a

The sheer number of #notallmen apologists I’ve seen on other threads, whining about “so what, now we can’t even talk to women?” or publicly patting themselves on the back for not being murderers and rapists makes me want to give up on humanity altogether. They don’t get it, they never will, and worst of all, very few

I wish we could blame Trump for this as well, but this has ALWAYS been the mindset on these scumbags: “I desire this, therefore I am owed it...and if not, then she better have a pretty damn good explanation why not, and even then, I might just kill her anyway. ” Elliot Rodger’s so-called “manifesto”, written before he

The casual/cavalier, confident nature of his act- was it his first time? Will other open cases in the area be sussed out, and finally closed? Will there be a podcast, if so?

This is horrifying. I have no other words

Rest in peace- and without assholes. I do beleive that this administration’s overwhelming stench of villainous bastards acting (pretty much, so far) without consequence has emboldened the worst of the human turds like this warped bastard.