Schwag 2.0

Yup. I rarely bring my veganism up, because I just don’t want to hear “I could never give up meat/milk/cheese” and “I love meat! Yum yum yum!” for the billionth time. It’s always someone else who brings it up for me.

hard agree. soooo many people seem to feel personally attacked not just when someone promotes veganism, but even when they are just practicing it and minding their own business. i was raised a vegetarian, never talked about it, and my classmates - even as kids! - were so so so triggered by this dietary decision that

Just be a meat eater without being a dick about it. Also not hard.

Well. That is... that is definitely a thing. Wow.

Or pro-Nazi. I hear that’s her bag too.

It’s too bad his respect for the agency and dignity of “all animals” doesn’t extend to the females of his own species!

Cats should never be vegan or vegetarian anyway. They are obligate carnivores. In order to thrive, they need meat. Otherwise, they are malnourished.

Edited to Add: Check your local human food pantries as well. Some have started adding pet food to their stock for low-income people with companion animals.

because i was subjected to it this week, you must now suffer with me...

Wait, Kat Von D did the tattoo? Yeah, fuck them both.

He’s a douche, which you expect from musicians. But what makes Moby so uniquely hateable is that he’s a holier-than-thou sad sack douche.

I thought that too, and then realized he tagged Kat Von D. I think she is the one who did the sh***y tattoos.

Kat Von D did the work. Maybe his next tattoo will be anti vax

Based on the tags, look like Kat von D may have done it. Given the crazy train she’s on, wouldn’t shock me in the least.

I’m a vegan and I think it’s dumb.  It’s just a bad tattoo.

I’m sure a lot of soap opera actors are getting drunk right about now. Give him a break.

No comment on activists or vegans, but that is a terrible idea for a tatoo. I hate it. And why pay a bunch of money for Kat Von D to do it if it’s literally just block letters. Did I mention I hate it? I hate it.

Is there any picture of Moby without that “Moby-face”?  

You would think with all his monies Moby could get tattoos that don’t look like shit. I can’t believe he sat there while someone did that. Gross. 

My favorite thing about vegans is that apparently soil biota beyond the plants themselves don’t count for shit. It’s always about animal rights but never about improved conservation agriculture practices, or, you know, protecting those couple inches of topsoil that are keeping all of us alive...

As November is my 32 year vegan anniversary i thought i’d get a tattoo (well, technically 12 tattoos) to celebrate.