Schwag 2.0

“ She has allegations, but he has a real, substantive arrest and police report to point to”

Thanks for this Joan, it’s amazing.

She didn’t hit her girlfriend, she grabbed her arm. Now who is being disingenuous? No charges filed, no record for domestic abuse.

I had a similar reaction to the continued use of the term "revenge porn." The idea that any image of a naked woman's body is pornographic just boggles the mind. How do we even start to unpack the layers of misogyny there? 

Dude this is fucking SPOT ON. Very well said!

Are you confusing different incidents? I can’t find any record of an arrest because of violence to Depp. Do you have a link?

Because everyone else is picking apart your flimsy bullshit well enough on their own. But I guess I am technically curious as to how you handle being constantly friend-zoned, or is all this pathology bourn out of a particularly devastating friend-zoning that you haven’t dealt with because mental health is expensive.

That being said; I would still rather live in California than any other State. I live in a beach town in San Diego county. There is no state as beautiful and diverse, from beaches to mountains to deserts.

I should be more angry than I am, considering that so many people with so much more power than I will ever have made choices knowing it would ultimately rob my generation of functioning planet that has fostered life for millions of years.

It’s also not ‘The Greenies’ responsibility to do so. In fact, if they tried to ‘brush out’ they’d probably be arrested for trespassing on PG&E or Edison or SDG&E private property.

Beautifully done, thank you. I’m a CA transplant, finally made my way out here and made a home after a lifetime of wandering. I totally lost it on my mom over the weekend when she started with the whole “the fires are because the greenies won’t brush out” business.  “The Greenies” are just a littttle more worried

Tell you what- you point me to the Jezebel interview they did with her, and I promise l’ll read it

“Uncharacteristic piece?” Think you mean “peace” but either way, this is a brilliance piece. And yet I wish you could teach us all like some modern day shaman how does one feel at peace in this, a world full of hate and intentional disenfranchisement, by the few hoarding power be that a metaphor or in reality, over

lol, “found out” as if that went through a court of law. because everyone here is likely aware that Depp’s accusations were likely a response to her multiple abuse allegations against him......

That is a fair point, I did not actually read the interview Jezebel did with her. You are clearly a more informed reader than I am. Anyway- is it more of a burden or a blessing being right all the time

!!! Thank you!!!

Shouldn’t you be doxxing or swatting someone who killed your wizard or something? Kotaku is that way, neckbeard————->

I was honestly surprised that “porn” remained in the title because I thought that would be the issue.

Poor Britney. It seems like everyone in her life saw her as a cash cow and took advantage of her. Her parents turned her over to the record label, who pimped her out to the public. It seems like all of her family members road the gravy train and are still living off of her. 

More like “image rape”