Schwag 2.0

The vast majority of CA forestland belongs to the feds. The state only owns something like 3%, the rest is private. For some reason Rump seems to think defunding the agencies tasked with “cleaning” forest floor will make the wildfires stop taking up valuable FOX news time that would otherwise be talking about Trump. 

“Politicians are fighting about California wildfires on Twitter” is dangerously close to bothsidesism, and not how I would describe what’s going on. What’s going on is that the President of the United States is threatening to do harm to the biggest, most prosperous state in the union because it resists him politically.

None of the recent fires in SoCal were “forest fires,” Fat Donnie. get your shit together.

On the other hand, nothing gets to Cheeto like a good burn and I’m all for making him look like a fool on his favorite media.

Non-recycle-able plate - 0/10 for plating.

Pedophiles rarely age like fine wine; see Sir James Savile.

This is the only correct take. To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Yeah, at this point you really do deserve exactly what you get coming to you.

Maybe a cult. Maybe a short bus kind of special. Maybe both. I’m undecided so far. Let’s wait and see how many people set up camp in that compound he’s building!

When you say a “very special church” do you mean a cult?

And just like Fyre fest, I have no sympathy for those who were swindled.

It’s a very special kind of church. Very special.

“The catering company acknowledges it did not provide adequate food for ONE attendee and a social media post went viral.”

Prison food to go with the prison garbs? 

Kanye West’s brunch = Fyrefest 2.0 what is this shit

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

She’s always struck me as self-important and pretentious, honestly.

Vicki Gunvalson perpetuated a fake cancer scam on national television. She IS a fraud. Kelly is no saint, but she’s never, to my knowledge, said a lie about Vicki. Meanwhile, Vicki has alleged that Kelly does cocaine, participated in a “train” with multiple sexual partners, and is banned from picking up her daughter

Solange was caught grinding on some 20 something white guy after the MET gala. Since then, fans have noticed she and this guy have been mentioned in each other’s IG accounts. The only reason why she’s making a comment now is because last week the story blew up on the blogs when she was caught on camera on with the

More like “So long”, amirite?