Schwag 2.0

Have to agree. Either give in or don’t but don’t whine about being “forced”. Your kids don’t force you to do things, you make the choice to do them, whether to avoid a scene or whatever. And yeah, my family didn’t play that either. As the old folks used to say “if you’re mad, you better scratch your ass and get glad”.

You don’t have to guess, I brag about it constantly.

Gender reveal parties annoy me and I can't be friends with people who have them. If they're tacked onto a baby shower, cool, whatever, but no need for a party or a stupid stunt to celebrate some genitals. My “official” gender reveal was when my baby was pulled out of my womb and my doctor said IT’S A BOY however I

Or that it dawn on the three- and five-year olds that they’re not in charge.

An AZ gender reveal party cost $8,000,000 and burned 47,000 acres.

I will never understand people that HAVE to bounce from one “special” event to the next just to give their lives meaning.  My mother-in-law will be planning the next trip, event, vacation in the middle of a trip, event, vacation instead of just enjoying the moment.  My wife has learned to enjoy the moment, the

Yay!  Let’s find out if its a girl and kill Grandma in one go

Instagram amplified attention seeking behavior. But narcissism was rooted in popular culture before social media came along. The over the top sweet sixteens on MTV, CRIBs etc were the ancestors of capitalist displays of wealth. Instagram invites everyone to get in on the excess.

Why are you people so obsessed with baby genitals? It's weird

My sister and brother-in-law took their 3-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son with them to the ultrasound, because both parents wanted to be there and it was easier than arranging childcare. The doctor asked “Do you want to know what it is?” and the parents said “NO!” while the siblings yelled “Yes!”

I was just shaking my head over this story on my FB News Feed. Instagram culture has gotten way out of hand. And I would never in a million years think “Hey, what’s a good way to announce whether I’m having a boy or a girl? I know! We’ll shoot off explosives!”

Same with baby showers, bachelor and bachelorette parties, quince años, sweet sixteens, etc., etc., all pointless.

I’m curious, why so against a baby girl?

Nothing screams “not ready to be a parent” like inviting friends and family to a party with dangerous weapons and projectiles. 

Congrats to Chance for continuing to highlight the problems with the Chicago public school system. Did TMZ really need to post video of Affleck drunk and stumbling around? I look forward to the day they get sued for something. 

Not a fan of Ben Affleck or the magnificent phoenix on his back, but that TMZ report on his sobriety setback feels shitty.

‘You don’t have to go outside to Juul at a party,’ she says. ‘It’s definitely something I missed when I switched to Juuling.’

People gleefully point out that the working class makes up most of the smokers out there, but they never spend even a fraction of the time spent brow-beating them on thinking about why they smoke in the first place.

There’s this little thing called meditation, it involves quietly sitting and doing nothing but breathing in for a few minutes! Well, not *nothing* exactly, and there’s different styles and approaches, but taking time to go out and meditate (whether it’s just sitting quietly and observing, or a walking meditation, or

I get where you are coming from but, you know, you can still go outside...