Schwag 2.0

Gender dysphoria is not mental illness. Have you ever even read anything in the DSM-5 related to it? I can pretty much guarantee that’s a no. For fucks sake, I even had a therapist that I had to school on holding outdated views/concepts.

Georgulas took Luna to see a therapist, who diagnosed the child with gender dysphoria — a mismatch between the gender assigned at birth and the one they identified with. From there, the therapist laid out steps on how to make the child feel affirmed, like letting Luna paint their nails and putting them in a dress,

Conservatives (including some of the idiots in the greys here) have never let the truth or actual reality get in the way of a good moral outrage. It’s what makes it so rich when they accuse “woke” people of always looking to be offended.

The thing that really irks me (well, the whole thing irks me), is the “chemical castration” bullshit the Trumpettes and their ilk are throwing around. She’s all of seven years old, at least a good 4 years from the onset of puberty. I’m no expert in this, but my understanding is that she’d have the option of taking

Or he lied to get out of serving.

It’s highly doubtful that the therapist took only that one statement and pronounced a diagnosis. It takes time over multiple interactions to get a diagnosis on an adult, so getting one on a child takes even longer.

How can you talk to people like that?

You know that he must have back tracked on that, or claims to have converted himself to 100% straight. There's a lot to unpack with that guy and a steamer trunk full of self-loathing is part of it. 

who lied so frequently and so badly that it caused his marriage to dissolve and jury to consider his lying to get his wife to marry him equivalent to fraud

And then they’d put ‘beloved son’ on the headstone. I truely can’t fathom that these people don’t realize they’re in the worng. They make concious decisions to be pieces of shit. You can’t change their minds because the decision they’ve made is to ignore what is right.

This is gonna totally blow your mind: There is an entire field of psychology called child psychology. Children see psychologists all the time. Because children are people, and thus are susceptible to mental illness.

Let me get this straight — on the one side we have a proven liar, who lied so frequently and so badly that it caused his marriage to dissolve and jury to consider his lying to get his wife to marry him equivalent to fraud.... but the person who is lying about her kid’s gender identity is the mom here, even though she

The silver lining is seeing conservative Texans coming out as being super supportive of a child being raised by a gay male parent.

That’s a good point. I mean, we’ve clearly arrived at the point where the right-wingers have mostly given up on legal actions against gay folks, and now trans folks are the new wedge, so it doesn’t really surprise me that all this horsecrap is happening. Still, here’s hoping that they lose this one too (and maybe a

Maybe it’s an and instead of an or. Like repent your sorcery and we’ll strangle you out of mercy before burning you at the stake.

Conservatives want trans people to conform or die, and they’ve stopped bothering to pretend that they have a preference.

“Georgulas learned after the marriage that Younger had been married twice before (she was only aware of one previous marriage) and that he had lied to her about a host of things, including his military experience, his income, and his job experience. Younger, who claimed to have served for years in the Marines,

Conservatives just want to go back to a simpler time when men were men and sheep were scared.

These assholes, her dad included, would much rather she present as male up until a suicide at age 14, than let her live a healthy, happy life as female until a ripe old age. How can you talk to people like that? What could you say to make them change their mind?

Part of me doesn’t believe the Kylie/Drake flirtation. They talked at a party and danced near (not with) each other and somehow this has spawned multiple articles? Seems like two of the best PR machines in the biz are finally joining forces. Now Drake can have some manufactured beef with Travis Scott and Kylie can